+500 Reads! We're Halfway There!

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Thank you so much! This is amazing! I can't believe it! We are halfway there! So for this celebration, I'll be doing a Q & A! You can ask me whatever you want! You can also ask me some truths or dares if you'd like too as well. Anyways, I wanted to give you guys another huge thanks for this great milestone! I still can't believe it that we are halfway there! Thank you guys for the support you have been giving this book and it's amazing to think that there are actually people that read what I write down for the internet to see. Thank you, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so much! Anyways, I'll cya guys later and remember, stay beautiful! Bai!


"My Heart, Is Yours" (GarrothXReader)Where stories live. Discover now