Chapter 29 : "I love you"

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Chapter 29


Riker POV

"He should be waking up soon."

"Ok. Thanks."

I heard footsteps, and then the sound of a door closing. I heard more footsteps coming closer to me, and my breath caught in my throat.


I opened my eyes to see Paige. I started to cry.

"Hey. It's ok. Don't cry."

The more I tried to hold it in, the more I sniffled and sounded like I was choking or something.

I reached my hand out towards Paige, and she took it. I pulled her over to me, and she sat down on the edge of my hospital bed. God, I hate hospitals...

"W-what happened?" I whispered.

I tried to speak, but it only came out as a whisper. My throat kind of hurt, and it felt dry.

"You were too worked up and upset and stuff, so they gave you some stuff to make you tired. They cleaned you up as best they could, and gave you pain medicine through your IV."

I looked at my arm. There's a needle in it. I cringed, and looked away.

"W-where's Ross?"

"I don't know. Riker, a bunch of police came, and I told them what I knew about Macy and stuff. I told them she had Ross, and I told them about her trying to kill you. They want to talk to you in a few days when you're a little bit better, ok?"


"Hey. Try not to speak. Your voice sounds like it hurts."

I nodded.

"Do you need anything?"

I nodded again.


"Water," I mouthed.

"Oh. Hold on. There's a vending machine outside."

Paige left, and came back a minute later. I realized she was still in the same clothes as earlier. They were still soaked. She waited all this time, and didn't go home.

She opened the water for me, and then helped me sit up a little. I thought my body was going to hurt worse, but it didn't actually hurt that bad at the moment. It was probably because of the stuff they put in my IV.

I took a few sips of water.

"Am I going to die?" I whispered.

"No. The doctors said you'd be kind of sore for the next week or two, but you're alright. No broken bones or sprains. Just some bruises and marks."

I sighed in relief.

"You saved my life," I whispered.

Paige started to cry. I moved over, and pulled her down next to me. She laid down, and cried into my side. I realized I was still only in my underwear. But this probably wasn't the time to bring that up...

"Paige," I whispered.

"I almost watched you die right in front of me, Riker! I was so scared! I had to watch her push you over, knowing there was nothing you could do! I was terrified of jumping down to save you, but I knew if I didn't jump, I probably wouldn't get you out in time. And I was barely able to! The cage was so heavy, and I was so tired. I just don't even know how this all happened!"

It was really weird to see Paige like this. All I'd even known her as was calm, cool, and collected. She had confidence and she always knew what to do. And now here she was, crying over me. I never thought someone would cry over me almost dying. And it felt... nice. I felt loved and cared about, by one person at least.

"When can I go home?" I whispered.

"Tomorrow morning," Paige whispered back.

"Are you going to stay?"

"I wouldn't leave you for anything."

I could feel her tears on the side of my chest.

"Paige, please don't cry."

She put her arm loosely around my chest.

"I almost lost you... I don't know what I'd do without you, Riker."


"Because you're my boyfriend. And Riker... I love you."



"I love you too."

"You do?"


Paige sighed, and held onto me slightly tighter. We both fell asleep together.


Riker POV

I woke up, still in a little bit of pain. A nurse came in, and took my IV out for me. Paige was still asleep next to me. Her clothes looked like they were dry now. I felt sort of bad for making her sleep in wet clothes all night but... Oh well, I guess...

The nurse handed me a tray with breakfast on it. I had pudding and a thing of orange juice. The orange juice was fine, but the pudding was just... I can't even describe it. I don't know how they call that pudding. I didn't eat it.

When the nurse came back, she took my tray, and helped me up so I could use the bathroom. Paige was awake when I came back out.

"The nurse said I can go home," I said, quietly, sitting down beside Paige.

"Hey, your voice sounds a little better."


It was a little scratchy, but still ok.

We walked down a bunch of flights of stairs, and finally got out of the hospital. I felt really embarrassed. I have no shoes, no pants, and no shirt. I kept stepping on all these stupid little rocks on the sidewalk, and they really hurt!

It was probably like a 20 minute walk back to Paige's. And by the time I made it there, I was exhausted. I sat down for a minute on the floor, just trying to rest. Paige grabbed some clean clothes, and went to go change in the bathroom. When she came out, I went in, and put on a pair of shorts and a short sleeved shirt. I sat down beside Paige again.

"What are we supposed to do now?" I asked, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"I don't know... How are you feeling?"

"Not as bad as I thought I would after being beaten all night, locked in a cage, and then thrown off a bridge almost to then drown... But we'll have to wait until the medicine wears off..."

"I'm worried about you, Riker."

"Yeah, well I'm worried about me too."

"No, like I'm worried about your anxiety. What's going to happen to you? You just went through a lot!"


I sighed.

"Thanks for saving my life..."

"Riker... You don't need to thank me."

I sighed again.



"Do you feel like making me toast with peanut butter?"

"No... But I'll do it anyways."

Paige got up, and went upstairs. I was lost in my thoughts while she was gone. What am I even supposed to do now?

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