Fallen Angel

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The sound of thunder clapping startled me, I jumped looking around the room. What time is it? I asked myself turn8 ng to the nightstand that was empty. Great.

I climbed out of bed and walked over to the kitchen. The stove was on and there was water boiling. Looks like it was just put on. I thought again. I nodded and looked at the time that was above the water. 8:30 I sighed. "Taos' cool friend must have left for work already." I said to myself. I scratched my head and walked into the living room. The living room was huge. The three walls were white and the other wall was just a huge window showing outsides pool and Japanese garden. It was beautiful.

I heard someone groaning so I turned to see who. The great tao and his hilarious bed head stretching and walking. "Morning Tao. You look almost as beautiful as sleeping beauty." I joked laughing. He mimicked a fake laugh and made his way to me.

"Well I'll have you know. I didn't sleep much but I slept well thanks for asking." He laughed. I shook my head. "Well I didn't ask." He put his hand on his heart. "Ouch. That hurts deeply." He hung his head. I laughed shaking my head following his back to the kitchen. "Well how'd you sleep?" He asked making coffee. I looked up and then back down. "Mmm I slept good. Although I was rudely awakened by thunder." I ended with a sour note. He made a sad face. "To bad. You could have slept in I wouldn't have woken you. You look like you need the sleep."he laugh. I did too. "Yeah I really do. But I am scared of thunder so you won't find me sleeping if there was a storm today." I looked out the window. "But looking out now I think it is going to storm." I heaved a stressful sigh. Just my luck.

I love the rain but I'm so terrified of thunder and lightning. I stared into the dark gray clouds,tao came up behind me and looked too. The trees were bending over showing just how bad the wind was blowing. The rain patterned hard against the window. The rain was moving to the left. "Guess we really can't go anywhere. But do you think Ennui. Will be okay?" I asked tao. He nodded.

"She left at eight. It wasn't raining then and her work place is very close. She'll be just fine." He said hugging me. I hugged him back.

Will sehun be fine?


We had a good day. We ate,watched movies, he laughed at me cause I screamed on a scary part. Not my fault the thunder decided to hit extra hard right when the jump scare was coming.

I didn't find it funny. I walked over to my room I'm staying in and he felt bad. I locked the door so he wouldn't come in my he didn't go away so I let him in. Right when I did the lights went out.

I got extra scared then so I ran to him and he didn't complain. Obviously.

"Look don't worry. Its the dark nothing bad will happen in the dark. I promise okay?" He said quietly. I nodded. My face was buried in his chest to avoid the sight of no sight. I was shaking so badly because I was so scared that I didn't realize I was laying down. I closed my eyes and felt him pressed against my back. His breathing was soft and light.

He was sleeping. I didn't open my eyes,but all I could think of was the fact.... I always wanted to have a moment with sehun but we never had. He always played with my feelings. And I couldn't take it anymore. I was done. And I was going to make sure he knew. I like Tao a lot but I know my heart is cry8 ng for sehun. But I have to cope with the fact that it won't be there. Its unobtainable. He is out of my reach...and always will be. I turned over slowly and put my hands to my chest and cuddled into Tao more. His grip tightened but not in a painful way. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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