The News

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A year after our marriage and i was good until-

well until it wasn't, I get that when you mess up you should apologize. But i'm not to sure that I am sorry about anything that happened. I am sorry that I hurt WooBin like this but I am not sorry for what I did. Anyways I will tell you what happened now. You  can decide weather you hate me or not as well.

Back a few months before

Walking down the hallway to the bedroom I heard a knock on the door. I looked at my watch. "Bin shouldn't be here yet. Its only eleven-thirty" It was eleven thirty at night but he had a late shooting because the stunt man got hurt and so bin had to do them himself. He was pretty excited for it. I went to the screen that shows who was knocking and saw it was Sehun.I smiled and pressed the button to unlock the gate and he came in. 

"Hey, whats up?" I say happily. He wasn't smiling at all. His eyes were puffy and blood shot. The tip of his nose was red and his lips were all chewed up. His hair was a messed going in all different directions and his skin was pale. Sickly pale. I ran up to hi as he looses his balance and almost falls to the floor. "Hunnie whats the matter! Please talk to me!" I screamed scared as hell. I felt like my world was crumbling before me. Was I going to loose Sehun? Is all I could think as he laid in my arms motionless. 

I checked his pulse but he was fine. What is going on? I put him on my back and tried hauling him over to the couch. He was tall that his legs just trailed behind. He was so heavy for a kick that is just skin and bones. I laid him on the couch and took his shoes off before laying his feet on the couch. I went to the kitchen and told the Ahjimma to get me some water and a towel for him and bring it to the living room. She did so and i went back to sehun. I moved his hair from his face and felt his skin. It was ice cold. I ran upstair and got a lot of heavy blanket and pajama clothes. he had to be comfortable and his clothes looked anyhting but it. 

I asked the maid to change him and she did so as I waited in the other room. My heart was doing leaps a mile per second. I shuddered at the thought of loosing him. He is fine but I was so scared. I walked back in and he was changed and we tucked him in a bunch of blankets and told her to make some porridge for him when he awakes and she hurried along. I put the towel in the hot water and ringed it out enough and folded it gentally and put it on his forehead. 

"Sehun what did you get yourself into?" I looked down and held his hand. Please wake up soon,we have to talk. I got up and went to the room to get my phone. When I got down I saw Woo bin standing there. I hurried down the stairs and walked up to him. "Hi." I said quietly. I wasn't sure how this was going to go down. He looked over to me and smiled. "Hi sweetheart." He hugged me and kissed my cheek. I smiled. "Whats wrong with Sehun?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know he got here like at eleven-thirty and he was all worn out and a mess. I didn't realize when I opened the door so I was happy to see hi then saw what he looked like and he passed out. So I brought him to the couch and have Ahjimma making porridge for him. He really scared the living day lights out of me." I admitted. He nodded and then put his hand on his cheek then his other hand on his forehead. He looked at me shocked. "He is warm so why'd he pass out?" He asked. I looked over at him. "Well I felt he was ice cold earlier and so I grabbed a change of clothes and then a bunch of heavy blanket and warm water. Ahjimma changed him and I have been taking care of him. I don't know what he did or got himself into but this kid is so senseless sometimes." I heaved a sigh. "Well he is warming up so you did good." He said walking over to me hugging me. I was so worried bout hunnie I wasn't sure when he was going to wake up. I was growing impatient. 

"I am going to shower don't be here to long okay?" I nodded and sat back down feeling the towel needed more water. I dipped it back in and ringed it, putting it back on his head. I looked at the time. It was one in the morning already. I looked at sehun and back up stairs. Bin isn't the one sick. I stayed sitting and leaned back on the couch watching my best friend, being past out from god knows what. 

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