Giving up

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Call me crazy but when I woke up I felt like I was being watched. I stayed still listening but all that was heard was the hard rains hitting the roof of the house. And of course Taos soft breathing he was now on laying on his belly his head facing the opposite of me.

I got up slowly letting my head hang back and my hair touch my wrist. I felt weak and lazy. I stood up wobbling and feeling around for the light, which I finally remembered the lights went out. I sighed and shook my head. Dark it is,I'm so tired to be scared. I scratched my head and walked out of the room. Wonder what time it is.

Making my way into the kitchen I saw the wall clock said 7:30. Well then...

I will just relax out here for a bit. Its not to dark. I sat down on the couch and watched the storm outside. As scary as it sounded outside the look was different. If it was deaf I think it would be an amazing veiw.

I cuddled up thinking about what to do after the storm but my mind went back to sehun everytime.

I was sickening.

I heard something move behind me so I looked back. "You woke up?" I asked. But I got no reply. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Fine don't answer me." I was going to walk away when Tao grabbed my hand. Roughly, he has never hurt me what's wrong with the boy. "Ow geez sorry now let go!" I say angrily. Tao yanks me to him and I hit his chest. "TSO QUITE IT!" I yell angry now. Why isn't he talking?!

"Stop calling me Tao!" The voice said sternly. "S-sehun?" I ask in disbelief. "What sad to see me?" He asked. I shook my head. "What is your deal?!" I pushed him away from me. He let go of my wrist and rubbed his eyes irritatingly. "What are you mad? I should be mad not you! Look at you your soaked you study boy! And then you mess with me! I ought to beat you big butt for it too! And then they way you been acting! I really want to hurt you as bad as you hurt me! But I can't bring myself to do it!" I whisper yell pointing at him. He scoffs. "You already have hurt me. Like now. Your sleeping with Tao because I hurt you. Why?!" He roared in anger. I took a step back and let a tear slip.

"Well you hurt me. And we didn't do anything but you know what. Here is something to get you even more hurt. He is my boyfriend now." I looked at him with big eyes full of rage. His eyes watered up. "YEAH CRY FEEL HOW TERRIBLE I DID ALL THOSE YEARS OF YOU TEASING ME AND HURTING ME! YOU WENT OUT WITH ALL THE POPULAR GIRLS AND I DID NOTHING BECAUSE I KNEW YOU LIKED THEM! I GOT THREATENED BY THEM ALL BECAUSE THEY THOUGHT I WAS A THREAT! LITTLE DID THEY KNOW THE GREAT SEHUN IS A PLAY BOY ANYWAYS!" Immediately I stopped and slapped my hands over my mouth. Oh my god I called him a play boy oh my god. His eyes grew. "Sehun-" I said softly before he cut my sentence off. "A PLAY BOY?! IS THAT RIGHT!?" he scoffed in pain. He pinched the tip of his nose and switched his position in standing.

I walked closer to him but he put his hand out stopping me. "Wow. So I'm a play boy to you now. Thanks Leslie. I really like that. Makes me sound cool right. So cool." He chuckled. He nodded his head with a hurt expression that I knew he was trying hard to cover. "Sehun I didn't mean it and you know I didn't!" I yelled angrily at him. He hit the wall behind me barricading me and leaned close to my face. "If you didnt mean it why say it?" He asks in a calmer tone. I kept my face side ways so he didn't see the fear in my eyes. "Why you breathing so hard? You scared?" I didn't answer. "Answer me!" He slapped the wall. I jumped. "I said because all those years it hurt me to see you dating every popular girl in school knowing they were friends with each other." I said in shaking breaths.

And that mattered to you,why?" He asked angrily. "BECAUSE SEHUN I LOVE YOU!" I yelled looking into his eyes now. His nose was so close to touching mine. "Because I loved you not them. Your hot that's why they were with you. Not because of who you are." I lowered my head feeling myself breaking into tiny pieces. He heaved a heavy sigh. His arms wrapped around me and held me close. I was going to push him but he spoke. "Push and I will punch your arm like when we were kids." I hugged him tightly. He laughed and I let out a little laugh. What those hit were no joke. Hurt so bad for me.

He pushed off and wiped off the tears I had. "Well I guess I will respect You and Tao but as soon as he hurts you I'll be here to sweep you off your feet. Got it?" He smiled at me. I nodded. "I got it. How did you get in?" I asked.

"I used to stay with tao." He said. I nodded saying understood. How was Tao not awoken by the yelling? I went into the hall and saw Tao sitting on the ground with his head in his hands. "Tao sweetie are you alright?" I got on the ground and crawled to him cautiously. He looked up and I stopped crawling. He gave a soft bitter sweet smile and nodded. Openeding his arms and laying is legs down. I crawled over to him and sat in front of him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "Yes I am fine. I heard everything. If you want to be with him go for it. I won't be angry with you. I will still treat you the same." He said. "Shireo." I poked out my bottom lip. He laughed. "Why dont you want to?" He asked. I shrugged. "You treat me better." I whispered into his ear. He laughed and hugged me tightly.

I hugged him back then sehun cleared his throat. "Hey I am nice. Shut up Leslie." I stuck my tongue out and Tao just laughed. Tao and I got up and I went back to the room leaving Tao and Sehun in the dark hallway of the large house. I laid back down in the dark room and felt comforted. Less scared more comfortable. Not to long after Tao came in with his pajamas on. He laid next to me and booed my nose. I cringed my face at his action. "Gross you sappy panda." He laughed and I flicked his forehead. "Ouch you gonna make panda sad." He said holding his forehead. I got up and kissed his forehead slowly and as I was moving he held my waist. "Tao let me get off you before you try and cuddle me." I laughed. He didn't listen. "Tao~shiIII!" I whined like a baby. He laughed and stared planting butterfly kisses on my side belly where my hip was. I started laughing uncomfortablly. "Stop Tao I'm ticklish!" I tried pushing off but he flipped me and kept going. "TAO!" I screamed in laughter but he didn't stop. I was breathing and laughing so hard I couldnt breath and my laughs went silent leaving tears falling. He stopped and scared at me smiling. I couldn't stop laughing though. "Your laugh is amazing." He said wiping my tears. I finally started breathing right again and I shook my head. "Geez Tao you almost killed me." I said getting up putting my hair up into a ponytail. He chuckled. "Well at least you died laughing." I nodded. "Toshē"

Sehun p. o. v

"TAO!" I heard her scream from the other side of the door. She laughs filled the emptiness in the air. Her laugh was amazing like Tao said.
But I am suppose to make her laugh not him. I should have just told her how I felt. But no I had to be a whimper. I hurt her a Lot. I feel so bad. But not she is with someone and I have to wait and then have her. But Tao is a good guy and I know I will be waiting an eternity.


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