A piece of me for the taking

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"Well I say we go to six flags." I said to everyone while they sat in my living room. Chen flipped his hair back and looked at xuimin. Xuimin nodded and then everyone else agreed. Tao came into the kitchen and got a bottle of water,then walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist making me not leaning on the counter again. I laughed to myself thinking about how he is.

Sehun looked over and I caught his eyes but we both looked away. He sighed and walked over to the hall. "Where you going sehun?" Lay asked. Ssehun smiled and answered. "The bathroom would you like to accompany me?" Sehun joked. Lay chuckled. "Well now that you ask... No Pabo hurry and go." We all laughed. Sehun walked off laughing. "So when do you wanna go?" I asked everyone. "When can we?" I thought about it. "Well I get paid tomorrow so I will have enough money to pay for three people and myself of course. The tickets are $49.99. But if I buy online today I get them for $20 and we can go tomorrow. So when do you guys want to go?" I asked them. "Tomorrow. We dont want you spending to much money." They said. I nodded and then wiggled out of Taos grip. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to get my laptop that was in my room.

I walked down the hall and bumped into sehun. He didn't look at me though. "I thought we were going to be okay about this." I reminded him. Stopping in front of my door before opening it. He stopped and turned to face me. But I turned the knob and walked in my room.

He followed me and closed the door as I sat on my bed making eye contact with him. I opened my laptop typed in my password and went on six flags page. Sehun cleared his throat yo get my attention. I kept typing but answered with a mhm. I could see him roll his eyes but I didn't show I could.

"You say I'm not acting cool about this,but I went to the bathroom and even played a joke on Lay. I didn't tell them I am depressed and hurt, so therefore I think I am being very cool about this." I shook my head. I put my hand out. "I need my wallet." He scoffed then looked around for it then walked over to my dresser and grabbed it and placed it in my hand.
"Thank you. Now I didn't say cool I said okay. And then yes I do think it was 'cool' of you to play it off as you had to go. But at the same time sehun its been three months since we gotten together. And you haven't acted the same with me. Your friends have seen it. They ask me what is with you these days and I would tell them,but I don't want to anger you so I tell them ask you." I stand up looking at him.

He walked closer to me and whispered. "How much longer do I have to keep waiting?" I rolled my eyes and scoffed turning into a chuckle. "Aishhh this Pabo maknae." I pulled him down to me and looked him dead in his eyes. "You listen and listen good. I have been waiting since we were kids and you have been waiting three months. So don't try making me feel bad. Its not my fault you did what you did!" I said. He eyes were wide and he probably wasn't listening. "Did you hear a word I said?" I clinched my teeth and closed my eyes trying to calm my anger. "I kinda did and kinda didn't." He said honestly. "Get away from me before I hurt you so badly." I said angrily through my teeth.

He shook his head and grabbed my hand that was grabbing his collar. I was going to let go but he made me hold it again. "I don't want to see him like that with you!" He said. I pushed him away but he didn't budge. "You are going to get me in trouble. If Tao sees you this close to me he will be very angry." I tried to push him off. "Get off Sehun." I try to push him again. The door slowly opened and I kept pushing him. "Sehun I don't want to get in to trouble." I pushed him off. Tao stood watching with Kai standing behind him. Kai had a small smirk but Tao didn't notice. I stood there feeling sehun finally let go of my hand and back away. Tao nodded and rubbed his bottom lip. He turned around and walked out of the room. I glared at sehun. "Go to hell!" Sehun stood there smirking at me. I stormed out of the room following Tao who was out the door.

I ran outside. "Tao I didnt do anything I swear on my life I didn't. I promise I wouldn't do something so low life. I promise please don't hate me." I scream out to him as he walked away. He shook his head and opened his car door.

"Tao please." I cried. "I really didn't do anything. I promise I didn't." I cried. Anger built in me. He wasnt believing me. And I haven't given him a reason not too.

"NO YOU KNOW WHAT GO I DON'T CARE! GO I HAVEN'T GIVEN YOU A SINGLE REASON NOT TO!" I yelled in anger. Making him stop. "OH LOOK NOW I GOT YOUR ATTENATION! NO NO NO CARRY ON BY ALL MEANS!" I gestured to him in anger. Kyungsoo came to me and stood in front of me. "Hey hey hey Leslie. Let breath. Your angry. Come on inside. Its alright." He tried and soothed me. But I couldn't. I moved Kyungsoo out of the way and looked up at Tao who was towering over me. "Go I don't care anymore. All anyone ever does is leave when things get rough. So go by all means leave if you want. I let you, you don't trust me abyways so go. Just go!"I screamed through tears. He just looked at me with sad eyes.

So this is how he felt when Kris left. His best friend.

He shook his head and got into his car. He looked at me through the window. Then start his car and left.

Just like that....

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