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"Tao you will not guess what just happened to me!" I shouted. He came out of the kitchen while I took off my shoe. "We have a...visitor." He said. I nodded awkwardly. "Kim Woo Bin has my number." I said to him as we walked into the kitchen. Sehun stood up and our eyes met. I swallowed my word immediately. "What is he doing here?" I stepped back but he stayed in his place. "Get out!" I yelled. Taos' girlfriend rushed to my side. "Just give him a chance." Tao said. I shot him a death glare. "Give him a what?" I was surprised and felt betrayed. "Give him a chance -or-"He paused. "Or what?" I glared and walked over to him. "Or you have to leave." He said straightening up. His girl friend yelled his name. "Then I guess I am leaving." I walked out of the kitchen and into my room. 

I grabbed my suit case and threw my clothes in and my shoes. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my stuff and walked to my room. I zipped up my bag up and walked out of the room. "Thanks for letting me stay. " I said walking out. 


"Kai do you know anywhere I can stay?" I asked. "Where are you?" He asked. I didn't know this part of Seoul though. I told him what the surroundings were. He said he knew were that was so
I stayed where I was. Later on Kai finally reached me and we made our way to the house. "I don't want to go there." I said angrily."  I told him about Sehun and he got angry again. "He shouldn't even try. Last night he had a girl come to the house." I shook my head. "I moved on. He needs to as well." Is all I could say. "So where do you want me to take you?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't have enough for a hotel. Oh wait let me call Jun." I pulled out my phone

"Jun I got kicked out and i was wondering if-" As soon as I was going to ask if I could crash at his place the phone was snatched from my hand. I looked at kai and he shook his head. "Why do you have so many guy friends? Its not right for a girl to be at a boys house all the time." He said annoyed. I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth. "Well tell Sehun to stop following me and turning everyone against me and then I will see that we don't have a problem." I held out my hand and he placed my phone in it. "Thank you." I said redialing Juns' number. "Woah Woah WOah. You are staying with me tonight." He said. I looked at him and then nodded. At least I will stay for free. Guess I have to call in sick tomorrow. 

I walked into the house taking it all in. Great the last place I ever thought I would be again. I walked over to kai's room and he followed short after. Guess non of the guys were there cause it was really quite. I jumped on his bed feeling myself grow more and more sleepy.  Just as i was about to fall into a sleep, my phone buzzed making me jump a little. I answered my phone with a sleepy voice. "hello?" A masculine voice responded. "Hi this is Kim Woo Bin. I was wondering if Leslie was there?" I sat up then kai came in. "Hey Leslie?" A sudden pause happens and then Woo Bin cleared his throat again. "Oh my apologies I had no idea-" I cut him off. "No no no its my friend whats up?" I said telling kai to shut his trap. He nodded and ran out of the room. "I was wondering when I could take you out?" I stopped. Aish this kid wont understand I don't do rich guys. 

"Look I am sorry but as I said before-"

"You don't date rich guys. Look I get that but I wont stop bothering you until you say yes to my offer." He finished me off. I sighed and then scratched my forehead. "Fine. Guess you will have a busy week on being annoyed people." I said then hung up. I slammed my head onto kais pillow and before I knew it I was knocked out.


"Good morning Love Bug!" A voice broke me from my peaceful sleep. I groaned my opened one eye to see who was going to die today. 


"Baekhyun I will kill you for waking me up early in the morning." I growled. He smiled a cheeky smile and then shook his head. "No no no. It is already 1 in the afternoon." I gasped an sprung out from bed then remembered I didn't have work. "I don't have work so yes this is early. Get out of my face and out of this room." I hissed then went under the blankets again. Baekhyun yanked the covers right off me and a chill went through my body. I curled up into a ball and felt for the covers beneath me but they were bunched up in baekhyuns hand. "BAEKHYUN!" I whined. He just laughed and then covered me up tucking me in. "Fine fine fine." He said kissing the back of my head and walking out closing the door. I sighed in relief and then went back to a less deep sleep. 

By the time I woke up it was already three in the afternoon. I walked into the living room knowing non of the guys were there because they all had practice. I turned on kissanime and then started watching Tokyo Ghoul. I was already on season two episode three I believe. I was an emotional wreck. I just couldn't believe Tokoya never told him she didn't want him to leave. He should have never left in episode one. He was working with Ayota now and ayato ate his sister. So gross. Kaneki was cute though no doubt about it. 

Episode three ended and I got dressed then headed out to get some food. I was so hungry my stomach was practically eating itself up.

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