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I'm pissed. He did that on purpose. That kid knows how to annoy me. Something might have happened, even if it would have been just a kiss on the cheek, I would have been happier than ever.

Liam doesn't step back and I like it. He doesn't care that Harry is there and sees us, but he still has his attention.

« Hey mate! It's been a while. How's Gemma, your Mum and Robin? » Liam welcomes him back warmly like he usually does.

I stiff a bit when I hear my name, but I quickly understand that Robin might be Harry's Mum's husband. They chat for a while and I see how Liam really cares about him dearly, like an older brother would do. That charms me even more. When they are done talking, Liam stands next to Harry and faces me.

« I had a wonderful time Robyn. I hope we can do that again sometime. » He sweetly smiles, but it doesn't melt my heart like I usually would feel, Harry is too present for my taste.

« I did too, I would like that very much. » I try to not sound as cold as I'm feeling inside as I awkwardly smile back at him.

On that note, he nods and wish us goodnight climbing slowly the steps to his room. I look at Harry for a quarter of seconds before rolling my eyes. He grins at my reaction and it somewhat frustrates me even more. I turn the knob to head to my place, but look at Harry one last time. He must be so proud of himself.

« I hate you. » I say before heading downstairs.

I get a glimpse of his face before closing the door behind me. His face falls completely as if I crushed all of his dreams. I feel bad, but it's how I feel nonetheless. OK! Maybe I don't hate him as much as I'm leading on, but things were going so well and he had to mess everything up.

I'm down at the bottom of the stairs when the door opens quietly behind me and closes just as silently. I know it's Harry, he is the only one allowing himself to get down here. I put my bag on my bed and get my jacket off.

« What have I done this time for you to hate me? I don't understand! I thought things were going pretty great between us. » He says as I finally turn around to look at him. His tone was soft but confident as he seems completely oblivious to what was going on.

« You completely blew up a special moment I had with Liam! » I let out loudly since no one can really hear me from upstairs.

« I did nothing, I didn't interrupt anything. I cleared my throat, you acknowledged my presence, but you could have gone on. And anyway it's not like you were doing something interesting. » He argues still very calm towards me even if I lash out on him. His reaction confuses me, but I don't want to go soft on him.

« He was maybe going to kiss me! » I let out speaking clearly too frankly with him, but I feel ashamed to think that about Liam. What if he wasn't!? I'm clearly over reading this and I don't need Harry messing even more with my head.

« Or maybe he wasn't! » He replies with a bit more furious tone which surprises me and cuts me off guard. He was maybe right and I try to hide how so insecure it makes me feel. Why would a guy as wonderful as Liam would fall for me?

« What makes you so sure!? » I only ask, trying to contain my insecurities, with a sudden soft and vulnerable tone.

« He would have done it already! » Harry responds, but sweetens his voice and steps closer. « I know I would. »

« You would have done what? » I try to understand, because he cut me so off guard with his change of attitude that I didn't quite listened to what he said.

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