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I open my eyes, with a terrible ache to my heart. I try to move, but I barely can. Different tubes are plugging me to a beeping machine that irritates me instantly. I look down on my body and notice the sheets of the bed I am laying in. They are not mine. They are atrocious and uncomfortable.

I try to straighten myself on the bed and notice the cast on my arm. It's the one that covered Harry during the accident.


Where is he?

I look around, but I am alone in my room. I don't see nothing more than machines and a door half open to the loo. I know I am in an hospital. I start panicking a bit realising I am alone. The desire to find Harry grows even bigger inside me. I want to make sure he is OK. I can't remember what happened. I remember calling the emergencies for help. I remember the lady on the phone wanting me to keep talking to her until they got to us, but after that... nothing. I was crying and panicking because Harry wasn't responding to me. He didn't move, he didn't speak. He had blood on his face and his window was completely shattered. I was freezing to death.

I struggle to get out of my bed, my feet tangling between the sheets as I get out. I support myself just in time to keep myself up. I look everywhere and take the pole to which I am attached to and walk my way in the room. The floor feels very cold against my bare feet. I walk to the door and find my way in a brightly lighted corridor.

I look around and try to find Harry quickly before I get seen by the nurses.

"Harry?" I murmur to each door I walk by. I am becoming very desperate and it comes across though my tone. "Harry!?"

I have walked through the whole floor until I reach the nurses' office. I am on the verge of crying when one of them looks up at me.

"I'm sorry, but can you tell me where I can find Harry Styles?" I ask slowly, trying my best not to sob, but even if I bite my lips together, a tear comes out.

"The doctor will be coming to see you soon... You should head back to your room." The nurse behind seems to recognise me and she sympathetically lets out.

"I just want to see him, make sure he is alright. Please..." A couple more tears slide down, making it impossible for me to talk more without exploding in sobs.

The lady keeps her smile and points me the room next to mine, on the other side from which I made my way to. I walk quickly there without wasting a single second. I get in the room and hurry myself by his side. I almost don't recognise him.

"Harry?" I ask and he doesn't answer.

I panic even more than I already was, waterfalls coming out of my eyes, when I do see any response from him. I quickly look at the monitor beeping, so I know he is alive, but is he conscious?

"Harry? Baby? Wake up. Wake up, wake up, wake up!" I get on his bed and cup his cheeks.

I rub my thumbs on his skin, peck his lips repeatedly, crying like a widow. I look down at his hands on each side of his body and take them in mine. I put them on my cheeks, feeling his touch, pretending he is guiding his movements and he is caressing me.

"I love you so much. I am so so sorry, Harry! I am sorry." I murmur, my word muffled against his hands.

I kiss them endlessly. I don't want to leave him. I don't want him to leave me. I dive my head on his chest and lay by his side. I press my ear to his heart, making sure he is still very alive.

Why did it have to be him that badly injured!? Why wasn't it me?!

I look back up at his face, his eyes deeply purple and almost black. He has multiple cuts on his face. There's a big one under his chin with several stitches as well as on the bridge of his nose.

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