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Liam and I get in the back of his parents' car as they are driving to an italian restaurant.  Liam needs carbs to be in shape tomorrow.  That's what he told me.  I'm just glad we will eat pastas and since I talked to Harry earlier, I really want some pesto pastas.

Instead of sitting on each side of the back of the car, Liam pulls me to him so that I sit on the middle seat.  He embraces me tightly once we are buckled up.  I look up at him and he kisses me before I lay my head on his chest.

« I'm really proud of you.  You were remarkable out there.  You were really fast. »  I whisper to him playing with his fingers in my hand.

« Thank you babe.  It's in part because of you.  If you hadn't got me so relaxed, I don't think I would have been this fast.  I think I broke my own personal record.  Did I Dad? »  He looks at his father through his rear-view mirror.

« For the hundred and the two-hundred sprint, yes.  It's extraordinary.  I never thought you could capable to be even faster than your last record.  That is some major improvement my son. »  Geoff says proudly.

« You work so hard all the time Liam.  It's incredible to see how it pays off. »  I encourage him to the best that I can as he smiles right back at me.

« We will see that tomorrow I guess... »  He giggles slightly and comb my hair out of my face.  « It's tomorrow's time that will be remembered. »

He looks at me and smiles for a long while not saying a word.  His hazel eyes keep moving from one of my eye to the other before looking down at my lips and dives for a longing kiss. 

We get to the restaurant and the second we get away from each other, Liam makes anything possible to reach out to touch me again.  He takes my hand, never leaving it, and even kisses the top of my head as we walk through the crowded room.  He makes me feel like the most special woman in the room.

We follow the waitress to our table and take our seats.  As soon as we have ordered, Karen gets all excited with the usual joy she had all day and asks us how we started feeling the way we do about each other.  Liam looks at me and takes my hand on the table.

« I already told you everything Mom. »  He chuckles and I find him so cute as he looks shyly at me.

« But you haven't told me. »  I look at him with the warmest smile as I'm very curious to know what has been happening in his head.  He laughs again and kisses my hand as he turns to face me.

« The first time I realised how I cared about you was when we went clubbing.  We were having such a nice time and when Harry took you home, I was a bit jealous.  It's Louis that made me realise this.  But I knew, the next morning, when I came to wake you up.  Your hair was in a mess, you were wearing the baggiest shirt, but you were just more beautiful then I have ever seen you and that's how I knew you were more than a friend to me. »

I smile back at him and squeeze his hand tighter.  He brings it to his lips and I see Karen and Geoff chuckling in the corner of my eyes.

« What about you? »  He takes a sip of water and then turns his full attention on me.

« It was about a month after I moved in, I think, when cooking became our thing every night.  That's mainly why I was always pissed at Harry.  He was always ruining our moments alone.  I loved how you made me feel at ease so easily.  You made it feel like a home to me there. »  I smile to him and then his parents.

Why did I talk about Harry?  Why is he always in the back of my mind?  It's like he isn't even here, we are miles away, but somehow he still messes up with my head.  I quickly try to change the subject of my mind by asking Karen and Geoff the same thing.  They talk about how they fell in love and how Liam was born.  They mention the miracle that made Liam survive at birth, the bullying in school, the races he won, ...  Karen tells me these cutes stories about Liam and that gets him embarrassed.  Which is pretty cute to see. 

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