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"Harry.  Harry!!  Wake up!"  I yell to the lifeless body next to me. 

It's so freezing cold in the car that my hands tremble too much to feel his pulse.  I try anyway.  He has to be alive.  I look into his open eyes in hopes that he'll blink, but he doesn't. He keeps on looking at the horizon without moving. He can't be dead!

As soon as the tears leave my eyes, they freeze my cheeks stiff.  I can't move my face either.  I put my finger under his nose to get his breaths, but I feel none.  I feel numb.

I rush out of the car to get the blanket in the boot to keep him warm, praying to all the gods that it will help to keep him alive, but there's too much blood, he's too injured.  I try to open his door, but it's jammed.  I pull harder and harder, not even noticing the broken glass cutting my hands. The adrenaline rushing through my veins doesn't let any of the pain affect me.  I use all the strenght I have and it still doesn't seem to be enough.  I run back to my door and try to cover as much as Harry's body as I can.  The wind is strong and blowing snow inside of the car.  I can't let Harry die.  He is everything to me.  I will try everything I can to keep him alive.

Once he is tightly wrapped in the warmth of the blanket, before I head back out in the snow to see the other driver, I lean my body over Harry's. 

"I'll be back, baby.  Be strong.  I love you so much."  I murmur to his ear, praying that he hears me and obliges.

I press my lips to his for a long and desperate peck.  My heart stops when I realise that... he isn't breathing.


I wake up sweating, panting and panicking. I straighten up on the bed and search for Harry through the dark. He isn't in bed next to me. His bedroom is dark, but I see the light he kept on in the corridor. I get up and put on one of his shirt laying on the floor.

The day is slowly rising through the window as I leave the room. My heart has calm down a little, but running into Liam as he comes out of his room makes me panic in surprise.

"So sorry Liam, I didn't expect anyone to be up so soon." I let out with a racy heart and a hand on my chest.

"I could say the same." He responds softly with an amused grin on his face to see my extreme reaction.

"Going out for a run?"

"Yeah, I've been training two months for this since I got recruited for the Olympic team."

That means two months since the accident... and I'm still dreaming about it.

"We'll be rooting for you, Liam, as always."

"Thank you, Robyn. I'm happy to be back."

"Me too. Have a good run." I smile to him and walk down the stairs.

There's not a light on in the house, so I wait for Liam to walk past me to head to the front door and I run to the kitchen where I turn on all the lights. I sigh of relief and my sight sets on the microwave clock. 5:16.

"Hey you." I hear and get frightened again.

Dear God! Will they ever stop scaring me!?

I walk towards the fridge and see Harry, sitting on the floor with the peanut butter between his legs and an apple in his hands.

"Hey... What are you doing up so early?"  I respond and ask him.

"I could ask you the same."

"I had a nightmare."

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