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Right after my last class Friday, I run home to get my bag and join Liam before heading back to College.  The bus leaves at five, so we make sure to arrive early.  The road will be three hours long.

Once we are in, I'm clearly nervous, but Liam's friends are very funny and loud so it breaks the ice pretty easily.  I've met most of them at the Halloween party, but I don't remember much from that night.  I'm glad I'm not the only girlfriend present, there's even a couple of boyfriends amongst the female team.  We get seated and comfortable next to each other as we get on our way to the competition.

It didn't take ten minutes for Liam to fall asleep on my shoulder.  It got me occupied to play in his hair and kiss his forehead for a while, but now I'm bored.  It's pretty dark out already, so there's nothing to look at either.  I take my phone out and stare at it blankly for minutes not knowing what to do and it gets me thinking about what Sydney told me yesterday.  What did she mean by all of this 'it doesn't seem innocent' thing?  Why do I worry that much about what she said?  I've never questioned myself so hard before.  I love Liam and I have never been more sure in my life, so why her words are making me question everything.  Even though I'm sure it wasn't her intentions, it's really messing with my mind.  I need to clear everything up.

Me :  Harry?

I text him and it takes three minutes for him to respond.

BFF : Ruby?

BFF :  Where are you?  I haven't seen you since last night...

He had me smiling, but now I'm more in a sadder tone.

Me :  I'm in the bus with Liam, heading to his competition.

BFF :  You didn't say goodbye?

Me :  I'm sorry Mom!

Me : Hahaha.

Me :  I'm sorry, really.  I would have, but you weren't home when I got back...

BFF :   :(

Me :  What are you doing?

BFF :  You wouldn't believe me if I did.

BFF :  What are you doing?

Me :  I'm bored in the bus.

BFF :  Don't you have a boyfriend to whisper "I love you's" to!?

Me :  What's that supposed to mean?

Me : He is sleeping.

Me :  Why do I get the feeling that you are mad?

BFF :  I'm not.

Me :  So what are you doing?  You never told me!  :P

BFF :  I'm watching Titanic.  I stole it from your room.  I wanted to watch it with you, but now that I know you are already gone.  I just pressed play.

Me :  Are you kidding me?

BFF :  I told you you wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Me :  Why Titanic?

BFF :  Since the last time, it has become one of my favourite movies.

BFF :  :P  ;)

Me : Well, since I got a three-hour-drive ahead of me please, tell me where you are at in the movie, so I can picture it in my head.

BFF : It will be less fun than last time, but I will take what I can get.  :P

The RoommatesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz