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I wake up abruptly, shaken with the most horrifying nightmare.  I reach out for my phone on my nightstand and look at the time.  It's 7:13 PM on Friday.  Thank God!  I dreamt that Liam was back and I am not ready to face him yet.  I am terrified to do so.

I put my phone back down and let my body relax on my pillows.  I breathe in deeply and exhale to calm my nerves.  I quickly think this through.  We have a day to come up with a plan to make Liam accept Harry and I as a couple and try to make reign the peace between everyone even though he will surely hate both of our guts...

I sigh again and it's only then that I realise that I am alone in the bed.  Where is Harry?  I hear footsteps on the floor above my head, so I presume he is there.  I selfishly want to stay hidden in my basement, but I really shouldn't, not when Harry is up there and Sydney too.  She needs a friend if the men are still arguing or whatever.

I tear the covers off my body and lazily look for my jeans. I put them on with little motivation and I climb slowly my stairs.  I open the door to hear nobody talking.  In fact, the only sound I hear is the sizzling of a hot pan on the stove.  I look towards the living room as I head out my basement and see Louis and Sydney in the living room.  She sees me and I quickly smile to her as I make my way to the kitchen.  Harry is setting the table as Niall is cooking right behind.  

I walk by Harry first and sneak a quick hug from behind and kiss his shirt on his spine.  He stops moving and moans softly. He looks to the side to see me, so I step to the left for him to glance at me more easily.  

"Did you sleep well?"  I absentmindedly scratch his back and kiss his soulder as I nod in response.

"Did you?"  I ask him back.

"Not really.  I had a lot on my mind."  He whispers and sighs deeply.  I sigh as well and step away from him without saying anything in return.  I get how he feels.  Anxiety is killing me.

I walk away from the dining table and join Niall by the stove.  He is cooking some vegetables in a pan and it simply smells delicious.

"Remind me why we never let you cook.  I think I might retire from my title and let you cook for me all the time."  I joke to my friend as I steal a burning hot mushroom from the pan.

"I might have determination, but not your talent, Robin."

"Well, your determination is smelling great!  What are you making?"  I ask him as I jump on the counter to sit next to him.

"It was Harry's choice actually.  I wanted to make something special for his return home."

"Anything is better than the hospital food."  Harry replies, coming to the kitchen to take the dishes out of the cupboard.

Niall unexpectedly turns around, very suddenly, and wraps his arms around my boyfriend's back.  He is definitely surprised of his friend's reaction.  We share a quick look and a frown as Niall does so.

"I missed you so much, mate."  The blond cook exclaims but parts slowly after to go back to his vegetables.

Harry looks at me again and seems at loss of words.  We both don't know what has happened in the house while we were gone.  What kind of drama have we unleashed?  How did our family know where to find us?  Who did find us?  I really want my answers.

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