Canada Facts, #17

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-Euthanasia or assisted suicide is legal in Canada, the when and why can be found in news articles on it.

-Oil is another major export of Canada and so we have oil pipelines that because they keep breaking, have created a lot of oil spills and ruining the environment, not to mention the waste of oil which is a limited resources...excuse my rage but I don't support them because they have caused to much environmental damage, especially the one that get into our water, because that means we have just polluted some of the world's precious fresh water...and I am just going to stop. I guess I just felt that needed to be said.

-Canada has free health care, as in part of the taxes we pay goes toward providing us with medical services.

-After the Great Depression, lots of countries decided to model their banking system off of Canada's because our banking system managed to stay afloat unlike other places.

-Victoria is the capital city of B.C. NOT Vancouver, I have discovered some people get confused about the two.

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