Canada Facts, #46

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-Leif Eiriksson (Eirik the Red's son) was the first Viking to explore Canada. He named Helluland, (Baffin Island), Markland (Labrador), and Vinland (Newfoundland)

-John Cabot, (his Italian name is Giovanni Caboto) sailed for England and landed on the coast of Newfoundland, 500 years after Leif's voyages here. However he didn't establish any English settlements

-After Cabot, Gasper Corte' Real, Cartier, Champlain and other French explorers came and made settlements.

-Eventually the English came and pretty much kicked the French out during the Age of Imperialism.

-The Beothuk people of Canada were wiped out due to foreign disease and the increase of settlements as they were hunted and enslaved or killed.

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