Canada Facts, #19

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-Canada has (to this day, August 8th, 2016) hosted 3 Olympic Games: 1 summer (Montreal, 1976) and 2 winter (Calgary, 1988, and Vancouver, 2010).

-Canada has the (for lack of a better word) biggest list of human rights, which is why we are known as a "free country" and it is also a big reason why we are a multicultural society.

-Another thing to see here in Canada are the tunnels of Moose Jaw, the tunnels in which another dark part of Canada's history is reserved. One set of tunnels was used by the early Chinese immigrants to Canada as they, like the aboriginal people, had been prosecuted. The other set of tunnels was used by Al Capone (although I have recently learned that this might not be true, but at least some gang stayed there).  Close to the tunnels is a excellent fudge store, for all those fudge lovers out there.

-Canada's first and only female prime minister was Kim Campbell (19th prime minister of Canada from June 24th to November 4th, 1933) although she didn't stay in office long because she was elected at a time where it wouldn't have mattered who got elected as prime minister, no one was going to last for long (at least that's what I gathered from my classes).

-Canada is home to about 60% of all polar bears.

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