Canda Facts, #50

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🇨🇦Oh my gosh! This is now 240 facts! 240! (Chapter 2 and 8 were dedicated to their own individual things) Thank you so much to all my wonderful, dedicated readers! Without you, I would not have had the determination to make it this far! So thank you all so much! ^_^ 🇨🇦

-Canada had a dark history with Chinese immigrants in the 1880's in which they were smuggled in through the tunnels of Moose Jaw and had horrid living conditions as well as being forced to work on the CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway). Out of a fifteen hundred some Chinese labourers that worked on it, about six hundred of them died due to the harsh conditions in which they had to work in.

-Same year the CPR was finished (1885) the Chinese Immigration Act was passed which put a tax on anyone of Chinese origin that was entering the country.

-The Electoral Franchise Act excluded Chinese or Mongolian people from voting, was also passed in 1885.

-(Let me know if I said this one before) The war of 1812 lasted until 1814. It started because the Americans were fed up with Britain and wanted to lash back at Britain and so they thought attacking Canada would be an easy target of Britain's to attack. They had thought the Americans that had moved to Canada would join them as soon as they saw the American troops and (sources say) the Americans even expected that the invasion would be welcome. As you can tell by the world maps, the Americans were wrong.

-If Canada wouldn't have withdrawn their troops from the New York area, it is very possible that the upper part of New York would have become Canadian territory as we had people negotiating for the land, but with the withdrawal of the troops, they had to lower their price and accept that things would pretty much go back to how they were before the war.

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