Canada Facts, #47

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-Although we officially use the metric system, Canadians still learn and use the imperial system, thanks to the States. It would be hard to trade with them if we didn't know conversions for the different units. But seriously America, who on earth decided that ounces is abbreviated "oz" and pounds "lbs"? It doesn't make sense.(Sorry I felt I had to put that in there.)

-While not every Canadian likes maple syrup, it would be false to say we don't have a lot of maple flavoured things. We have maple cookies, candy, and créame liqueur, to name a few. We even take warmed maple syrup and lay it on snow to cool it a bit so we can wrap it around popsicle sticks so we can eat it like a popsicle.

-People never think about Canadians as having accents, but we do, in some pronunciations of words and terms or phrases we use. Like to "duke it out" means to fight (although I believe we share this one with the U.S.).

-Hudson's Bay Company was started in 1670 on May 2nd and still in business today. (I was to lazy to find were I first mentioned HBC to add this, sorry)

-The beaver was made Canada's national animal due to its importance in fur trading. The French loved fashion and hats and so they ended up traded for loads of beaver fur to make their hats and other items of clothing.

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