Canada Facts, #22

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A quick special thanks to royalcinnamonbun, kylajane16, mvsicbookfrxndom, and Shamim2 for keeping me motivated to continue this book by commenting and voting, as well as for helping me get new facts to publish!

-As some of my earlier facts may have given away, Canadians do not live in igloos. We have houses. However people have gone up to the Arctic and built igloos to stay in for a few nights for the sake of experience.

-We do not say "aboot" we say "about". I don't even know how this stereotype came to be.

-Canada has dogsled races (and so does Alaska).

-There is a huge cowboy/girl event called the Calgary Stampede, held each year in, surprise, Calgary, Alberta.

-Each province has a Legislature building in which each provincial government uses. Our provincial leaders are also decided through democracy, and they too can remain the provincial leader for as long as the citizens of the province keep voting for them.

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