Ch 1~ Don't ask, don't tell

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I've always felt as if I was on a never ending roller coaster with Mr. J.

It seemed I never had a split second to take a moment to breathe with him around.

Of course, I've had some nights to rest.. and yes, the thoughts and voices would flood my mind but I would shut them out. I was way too afraid my Puddin' would hear them and awake from his very important sleep.

But now I sit here surrounded by icy cold dim bars. This colorless room makes me miss Mr J's bright green hair and his dark purple bed sheets.

It's been a month now and I'm starting to allow the voices to take over my mind again, I wonder if my lover will ever come for me. Telling myself that he's been working on a big plan all this time to get me out is the only way that keeps me going.

Snapping me out of thought is the echoing sound of footsteps. Oh great. Him.

-"Hello my blonde beauty"
I hear the all so familiar voice call out.. But not the voice I really want to hear.

-"Keep calling me that sugar, and one day you'll regret it." I confidently assure him.

-"Oh yeah? And how would I possibly regret it?" He laughs, walking up to the bars that separate me from him.

-"Oh and by the way the names Griggs not sugar."
He tried to make that phrase intimidate me but he truly is a failure at intimidation.. Well... unless he has a shot full of "medicine" in my neck.

But I brushed it off.

-"My Puddin will hear you and will not appreciate you calling what's his, yours." I cheerfully say as I bring my face inches from his.

-"Your 'Puddin' isn't coming for you honey. I would think you would realize that by now" he chuckles, unfortunately adding on, " He's too busy replacing you probably."

As he says this he walks around my (what I like to call it) cage as he runs his fingers against the bars.

I swear he does this every time he comes to see me, I think it makes him feel as if he's in control. It might seem he is, but he's not.

No one can control my mind anymore.. Not even me.

I remember when I was still trying to be normal before I met Mr. J. I always had the voices ever since my dad died, but I learned to keep them out.

There sat the what seemed to be put together Dr. Harleen Quinzel trying to treat others, but feeling as if she was the one that needed to be treated. I was truly a mess.

I remember looking forward to meeting Mr. J during our schedules visits. He made me feel normal.. And that was the weird thing. The Joker.. normal.... Yeah those words aren't used in a sentence often. But he made me feel okay with not being okay.

It seemed every word that traveled out of his lips grasped onto me.

"People don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their delusions destroyed" was what he explained to me on our second visit. And it didn't even feel like it was him that said it, it lingered on my lips as if I did.

I had this delusion that I was meant to be normal, but I just needed to hear the truth, and the truth was him. I mean what is normal? It truly depends on who you're asking.. And to me.. Mr J was my type of normal.

Ever since that day I have been hooked to him, he is a piece of me that if I don't have.. I'm lost. I'm lost right now and he's the only one that can truly find me.


• End of chapter 1, I just really wanted to create a way for people to be able to sort of see inside of Harley Quinn's brain. Although she changed from Harleen Quinzel to Harley Quinn by shock therapy and jumping into the chemical bath you can see she still hasn't completely lost her mind and when she lets her mind roam you can tell she is quite smart and self aware. She just dosent see her true self without the Joker.• I hope you enjoy (:

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