Ch 20~ Betrayal

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2:25 a.m. read across the clock as I peered at it wondering when Mr J would be home. He usually never takes this long, or if he does he calls me. I tried calling him and texting him, but no answer. Scary thoughts began filling my head as I thought of everything that could be wrong.

What if he's in trouble? or hurt? My thoughts almost sent me to the verge of breaking but sliding into the black bugatti made them vanish in a split second.

I'm going to go find him if its the last thing I do.

~few minutes go by~

I ended up in front of his nightclub as the music bumped through the walls and into the street. I looked around for the purple lamborghini and suddenly I caught sight of it parked near the back. My mind began to jumble into a ball of mess as I got out of the car and entered the gloomy building. The array of strobe lights blinded me as I searched every spot I could think he was at, but I found nothing.

-"Wheres Mr J?" I asked one of the bartenders, raising my eyebrow to show him I expected a REAL answer.

A worried look played across his face, and I can tell he was holding some information from me.

-"Tell me or I'll blow your brains out all over this lovely countertop, you hear?" I spat, revealing my small handgun.

-"Okay fine fine," he stuttered, holding his hands up in front of me in defeat before continuing,

-"He's upstairs."

UPSTAIRS. THAT'S WHERE THE DIRTY ASS STRIPPERS ARE. I began nearly running up the steps, ready to catch him redhanded. As I stomped into the room, I caught sight of his electric green hair. I walked a little closer to suddenly see a skanky brunette straddling his lap.

She can do that?! But when I do it I'm making him look like 'a little bitch.' She had her lips latched to his neck as she grinded her hips against him. My craziness began to overpower me as I nearly sprinted over to him. I roughly grabbed onto his hair, pulling his head back so he caught sight of my more than displeased expression.

-"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I snapped, while shifting my eyes over to that skank.

-"That's none of your business honey." He groaned, while a devilish smile snaked onto his lips.

Oh man, I'm seriously about to lose it.

Images of me killing him played in my mind as I peered down at his grin. I wanted more than anything to cut it right off his pretty face.

-"EVERYONE GET OUT!" I screamed, wanting some alone time to beat his ass.

The bodies began to clear the room as I still kept my menacing gaze on his. He was seated on the couch, calm as ever, and that sent rage fuming through my veins. He didn't even care he got caught.

-"I swear I'm gonna kill y-" I hissed, being cut off by a roar of laughter.

-"You're not going to kill me, so don't waste your breath Harleen." He snarled, letting out a laugh that made me want to shiver in fear.

But I kept my composure as I walked around the couch towards him. Gripping the gun in my pocket, I pulled it out to point at his head.

-"Oh yeah?" I grinned, while wrapping my finger around the trigger.

When he noticed my expression, uneasiness with a mixture of arousal replaced the humor in his face.

-"God you're so sexy with a gun, why don't you come sit on Daddy's lap?" He purred, while patting his hand against his leg.

His seduction started to work, but the image of that stripper straddling him infuriated me more than ever. I glided towards him, with my bottom lip trapped between my teeth. Watching my every move, a grin played across his face when he thought he won me over.

But he had another thing coming.

I straddle his lap as I tightly grasped onto the handle of the gun, ready to slam it against his head, and thats exactly what I did. Blood began flooding from his busted brow, groans of pain rumbling from his lips.

-"You bitc-" He spat, before another blow hit his right temple.

-"You seriously think you can CHEAT on me and get away with it Mr J?" I yelled, while pushing myself from his lap.

-"I'm gone! Hope you enjoy some more alone time with that slut." I gritted my teeth as I trudged out of the club doors, a breeze of relief flooding over me.

Fuck him.


*I promised two updates so here they are(: J betrayed her and she finally taught him a lesson 😈 Next chapter is going to introduce a new character... Any guesses? #girlpower

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