Ch 8~ In Control

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As we walked into the club I could feel the bass in my chest.

The feeling made excitement rush throughout my body. I was ready to finally let completely loose.

It felt like its been forever since I could do that, and that was one of my favorite things about being with Mr J. There was always something to do, always a trip he had to take and I was always by his side. They weren't your average errands, mostly consisting of hassling Batsy.

Since I ended up in that joke of a prison, my hate for the Bats is on a whole new level. He took me away from my Puddin and there will be revenge.

Snapping me back to reality was the feeling of Mr J's hand snaking around my waist, leaning in next to my ear he muttered

-"Where'd your mind go?"

He's used to me dozing off in any setting.

Its like my mind already has its own story to tell and I'm the one along for the ride.

You're probably thinking this happened when I became Harley Quinn but I've always been like this.

Well, it went away for the most part because I had the excitement of J's hectic life to keep my mind occupied. But ever since I had endless days to sit inside bars with absolutely nothing to do but think, the voices sneaked into my brain again...

Suddenly I heard the slow beat of the song planez by Jeremih and I knew it was the time to make everyone jealous I was the jokers and only had eyes for him.

When I began to make my way to the chains in the middle of the dance floor I looked back and saw my puddin's eyes darken with lust. As I turned around I could feel him studying my every move.

Once I grasped onto the chain its like the music took over my body and the image of Mr J's face was sketched into my brain. I began to roll my hips to the beat whilst rubbing my hands all over body, always making sure to keep my gaze on him.

I could see his body begin to tense up, his hands tightly balling into fists. He was fighting every urge not to come pick me up and speedily drive me back home so it was just me and him.. and I loved it.

Being on the dance floor is the only time I have complete control over him and I made sure to soak in every second of it.

Without realizing, everyones eyes were watching what was happening between us, but it didn't even phase Mr J. He fixedly watched as I slid up and down, and twirled around, not worrying about anyone else but what I was doing.

This only made me the fire inside of me ignite even more so I decided to do something out of the ordinary.

I began slowly walking over to him, a sneaky smile across my face.

-"Hi Puddin," I whisper as I straddle onto his lap, everyones eyes still on us.

-"Hey sweets," he muttered to me, his jaw clenching up.

He was slowly unraveling, becoming defenseless to the movement of my body. Slowly, I began rolling my hips while moving my hands through my hair. I could hear him begin to mumble something in my ear.

-"Harls if you keep this up, its not gonna be pretty."

He said this to intimidate me but I knew it was just him trying to shut out his vulnerability.

He always results to anger to shut out his weaknesses but its not working with me.

I want to be his one and only weakness and I want him to admit I am.


*I'm sorry to y'all who waited, just have a lot of distractions. The descriptive song choice was to create some imagery for y'all 😜

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