Ch 12~ Almost Successful

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I got out of the car with my head low and walked over to the spot I told Batman to meet me.

My heart was almost thumping out of my chest as I looked around for the familiar black cape.

I had two small knives hidden in my thigh high stockings and a gun in my boot for backup. But I had a creative weapon up my sleeve.

A mischievous smile etched its way across my face just thinking about the events that were about to follow in a few minutes.

From the elation I was feeling, my senses were heightened so much I could probably hear someone sneeze a mile away. So It didn't surprise me when I heard the well known whisk of air behind me.

Turning around I saw him, standing there, checking the perimeter to make sure I didn't come with any of my puddins henchman.

He towered over me and if anyone saw us standing next to each other they would say I was no match for him.

But what they don't know is I have hidden powers that were given to me from a special friend, that even Mr J dosen't know about. Increased speed and strength. I only use it when it is required, and this is one of those times.

-"Quinn." He stated, doubt found all in his voice.

His eyes were fixed on mine, trying to find any mischief plastered across my face.

Just like Mr J does.

The thought of me and my puddin living happily ever after kept my master act going. I stared back, trying to show sorrow in my eyes as best as I could.

-"Hello, B man." I gulped, trying to act like I was holding back tears.

-"So, you finally figured out what a lying, using bastard the joker is?" He chuckled, looking at me as if I was absolutely clueless.

Oh how bad I wanted to just shoot him between the eyes right then but I had a plan to stick to.

Holding my tongue I fought the words to come out of my mouth.

-"Yes, I want nothing to do with him."

My act must be pretty believable because it left the Batman astonished by what I just said. I simply walked over to him and handed him the proposition of how I wanted to take out Mr J. Taking a look at them, I heard the sounds of approval and shock escaping his mouth.

Not going to lie, it fed my ego, I was pretty good at mischievous plans, but sadly, for Batsy, he wasn't my sidekick in them.

He was going to be the frightened victim this time.

-"Pretty good work, Quinn. With some tweaking this could actually take him out." He noted as he turned the page over to look at the final illustrations.

It's time to get this show on the road and get Batman tied up, I don't have much time before Mr J is back.

Slowly reaching for the small hand grenade up my sleeve, I got ready to hurl it into the air to cause a distraction. Before he could pronounce another word, I did just that as I ran as fast as lighting towards the end of the road. I made sure to throw it close to him to disable some of his strength, but only to give me enough time to knock him out.

I needed him very much alive.

After the smoke cleared away I ran back over to him to find him huddled on the ground choking on the fumes. Taking the skills that my puddin taught me, I kicked him in the right spot on his head to only make him unconscious for 30 minutes.

Chewing on my bubble gum, I proceeded to tie him up and drag him towards the car.

-30 minutes later-

As I saw him start to gain consciousness, a grin appeared on my face.

Blowing a bubble, I walked over to the fish tank.

-"Hiya B man," I laughed as I looked at the predicament he was in. It was unfortunate but absolutely hilarious! He was hanging upside down, head inches away from the hungry piranhas.

-"We had a deal Quinzel, how could you fall for that lunatics tricks again?" He questioned, looking at me with utter sympathy.

He should have sympathy for the both of us. Me and Mr J. He's always harassing us, and always trying to ruin my puddins mood. But it's ending tonight.

-"You are always trying to end our fun, and it causes Mr J so much stress. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been dumped in that hell hole of a prison, and me and my puddin wouldn't have had to be apart for so long!" I started to yell, all the rage fuming out of me.

I went to grab for the handle, to lower that vermin into the water and end his life but of course he had to add another unwanted comment.

-"So you plan to kill me? Well how is the Joker going to know it was REALLY me you got rid of? huh? All that will be left is the scraps of my clothes and my bones.. anyone can fake that."

He did have a point...

Suddenly an idea popped into my head. Why don't I just let my puddin kill him! I'm sure he would love to and he would be just as happy that I successfully captured his enemy! I ran over to the phone and quickly rang up Mr J.

-"Hey Puddin!" I exclaimed, excitement exploding through my voice.

-"Harley.. what's wrong?" He questioned, noticeably worried. He's not used to me calling him while he's gone, I only do when something bad is happening. But he had nothing to worry about this time.

-"Nothing Mr J! But I need to you to get home fast, I have a surprise for you!" I gleamed, so ready to see the approval my angel will have across his face when he sees this.

-"Im busy, what is it?" He retorted. I could tell he was occupied but this was going to have way more importance to him.

-"I have Batsy captured!" I squealed, all the eagerness I was trying to hold back finally let itself out.

Suddenly the phone hung up, and worry hitched in my throat.

Was he angry at me? No, of course not.. He's just anxious to come see me and give me a kiss for all the successful work I've accomplished.

That's what I kept telling myself until he bursted through the door.

... And he didn't look happy.


*Uh oh.. Mr J isn't so cheerful about Harley's master plan. I added some aspects (like the piranha tank) from the scene in the batman animated series because I loved it so much! Let me know what y'all think (:

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