Ch 33~ Always

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The city lights were a mixed blur as I sped as fast as I could through the city, looking for any sign of J's car.

I searched through every memory we had trying to pinpoint where on earth he could be. And then it hit me.

The chemical vat.

He'll end himself where he was basically born.

Pure adrenaline coursed through my veins as I raced to that all familiar building.

When I arrived, a gut wrenching feeling clinched deep in my stomach. Feelings of euphoria took over as I ran up the rounded flight of stairs, listening for any sign of movement.

When I reached the top, my heart dropped as I saw him fall over the side, and seconds later a distant splash pierced my ears.

-"PUDDIN!!" I screeched, my voice breaking as I sprinted to the edge, seeing bubbles seep to the top of the green liquid.

Without a second thought I jumped in after him. Just as he did for me.

Once the chemicals hit my skin, it burned uncontrollably but it didn't phase me because all that filled my senses was him.

Grabbing onto his arms I used all the strength in me to pull him to the surface. As soon as I gained sight again, I looked at the limp body in my arms. Pure worry washed over me.

He can't be dead.
He's indestructible.

Tears clung to my eyes as I rubbed the green liquid from his face. Leaning down I connected my lips to his, breathing in and out and pushing on his chest as best as I could.

-"C'mon J wake up for me!! I don't know who I am anymore without you!" I cried out, as I kept trying to revive him.

A mix of blue, pink, red, green, and all the colors of the rainbow surrounded us, but the colors only made me feel more sick.

After several minutes, there was no sign of him breathing and my body began to shut down. My hope draining out into the bright colors around me.

In a last moment of hope, I leaned into his ear, salted tears washing over my face.

-"I love you. And even if you leave me at this very moment, I will always live for you." I whimpered, still in denial he's even close to death.

I tried to get both of us out of the large metal vat but my limbs were growing weaker from holding him up.

If I can't get him out of here I will sink with him too. I will not leave him.

Looking down at him I started to see hints of red surrounding the side of his head. My eyes grew wide as I grabbed on his face, turning it to see a bloody wound.

He must've hit his head on the bottom.

I didn't even have time to think before uncontrollable sobs blinded my eyes as all hope was gone.

He was gone.

All I could do was hold on onto him even tighter as I buried my face into his chest.
Yearning for the sound of his voice. Swearing if I didn't hear it in the next second I would die too.

But I couldn't die. I made a promise I would live for him. And him being dead didn't change that.

Seconds turned into dragged out minutes as I continued to lay my head against his chest, my bones beginning to shake as I held on.

Suddenly a familiar voice filled my ears from above as I looked up through puffy eyes. They widened as I saw red hair.


I watched as she ran down the stairs, and her face came into view above the metal that encircled me.

-"Help me get him out Red." I pleaded, as I maneuvered closer to her.

I could see her hesitating, but a sense of relief took over as her arms hoisted around him.

Pushing him up as she pulled, we finally got him over the side.

I tried to pull myself out but I was completely exhausted.

-"Red." I whispered, my voice starting to fade away.

Panic appeared in her eyes as she grasped onto me, pulling my also limp body out of the burning liquid.

-"We need to get him to the hospital." I said, trying to stand up as I grasped onto her shoulder.

-"If we take him to a hospital Harley, they'll probably just let him die, or save him and lock him up in an insane asylum again. I'll help him, I have a few antidotes that will work. Don't worry." She assured, as she grasped onto the side of my face.

As we both carried him back over to the car I drove, I couldn't help but ask the question that rattled my brain this entire time.

-"Why are you doing this? He wanted you dead." I questioned, looking up at her with a confused gaze.

-"Because I care about you. And I know how much you will be destroyed if I don't at least try to help save him." She shyly smiled at me, and I couldn't help to smile back.

J or not. I will always have her in my life.


*Finally updated ❤️ thanks for all the love. Even managed to update on my birthday, just turned 19 🤗

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