Ch 32~ Don't Stop Me

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Me and Ivy just laid there crouched on the floor as we listened to the pounding of his footsteps up the stairs.

-"She's been in this room the entire time Joker, I have had my men on either side of the do-" I could hear Penguins voice cut off as he made his way towards the room with J.

Confusion displayed on my face as I looked at the door and back over at Red. She had a wicked smile on as she glared at the door.

-"Aw did your men kill over Penguin? They've always been quite clumsy!" She called out, pure humor in every octave of her voice.

A second after she said that, the door flew open, slamming against the wall. My heart began to race, not knowing what side of J I was dealing with at this very moment. And to be honest, I did not feel like finding out. Keeping my head low, I scooted against the wall and crossed my legs, making sure not to make eye contact.

I didn't even need to see him to know he was furious. The room felt like it was so much hotter, with just him being near me. His footsteps echoed as he started to walk towards me, and I could feel his gaze burning against my face.

-"Get away from her." Ivy warned, stepping in front of my curled up body. I didn't dare look up, and just stared at the backs of her green heels.

-"Get out of the way, or I will make sure your death is painfully slow." He growled, and I could picture his eyes blackening with pure anger.

Red held her ground and didn't move a muscle and neither did J, which made my heart race even more. I could feel his fiery stare still on my face.

-"Harley, look at me." He demanded, inching forward, but Ivy stood still, shielding my body from him.

I could feel my mind melting, my heart about to beat out of my chest, as I kept my eyes glued at the ground.

-"What did you do to yourself Harleen?" He questioned, his voice a little bit calmer this time, worry starting to be far more apparent.

But I still kept quiet, knowing if I spoke, it would be like forgiving him for leaving me like he did. My mind was jumbled into a mess of broken thoughts and all I wished was that Ivy didn't save me from the bottom of that tub.

-"She did this because of you. Don't you see that you demented freak?! You are toxic to her. Why don't you just leave and let her have a chance at life again." Ivy spat, making sure to emphasize 'demented'.

Tears began to stream down my face, not knowing if she was actually right. Afraid that she was right.

There was silence for a few seconds which surprised me. And suddenly I heard his footsteps start to leave the room. Even after all that went down in just the few hours, my heart still broke piece by piece with every distant footstep. Deep down, I had a feeling that this was the last time I'll hear him again.

Hearing the door slam, I finally got myself to look up from my lap. All I could see was the shocked faces of Red and Penguin.

-"Can't believe he actually left without a fight." Ivy gasped, looking down at me.

-"Well he's not what you need to worry about. You killed my men, so you're dead Poison Ivy." Penguin hissed, stumbling over with his hand firmly holding his cane.

I watched as he was inches in front of Red's face, as he raised the gun to her temple. She didnt move a muscle, just glared at him with humorous eyes.

-"Don't you know not to get close to me?" She chimed, leaning in as she placed her lips to his mouth. It wasn't long before his body went limp, crashing onto the floor just like his cane.

With a small giggle, she leaned down next to me, giving me a more than concerned look.

-"Can you just give me a minute Red? This is a lot to take in." I whimpered, feeling completely lost.

-"Yeah, just don't get any ideas like before, okay?" She frowned, tucking my hair behind my ear.

I gave her a quick nod as she got up and left the room. Still hunched over, all I could do was pick at my fingers as J filled every crevice of my mind.

Why did he leave so calmly?

Where is he now?

What is he doing?

What is he planning to do?

Worry took over me, as the worst possible thought made my blood feel like it stopped coursing through my veins.

What if he's gonna do the same thing I tried to do? Before I could even think, I got up from the ground as I began almost running out of the room.

-"Don't follow me Red, I need to figure this out on my own. I need to end things with him on the same page. I can't be left wondering."

As I ran out the front door of the mansion, I listened for Ivy to try to stop me, but she didn't.

-"Okay." She spoke, standing there as she watched me get into one of Penguins cars.


*Gonna be wrapping this book up soon❤️❤️

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