Ch 5~ Erased

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I must've passed out from the pain because as I open my eyes the inside of Mr J's purple Lamborghini comes into focus.

-"Hey Puddin," I gleefully say, with a small grin on my face.

I'm so glad to be back with my angel.

I can tell I'm not completely over the "medicine's" side effects, since I still have a pretty bad headache.

-"Hey baby," he contently says as he tucks my hair behind my ear, before quickly everting his attention back to the road.

He's never done that before.


But I wasn't complaining.

I took this opportunity to admire every inch of my man. He truly was so handsome. His hands always looked so powerful as he clutched on the wheel, the veins prominently sticking out. Just like they do on the side of his neck when he gets mad.

Not gonna lie, it made me a little frisky.. Actually a lot frisky.

As I travel my eyes up his arms to his chest, I catch glimpse of his tattoos peaking out of his unbuttoned black shirt. His tattoos were one of my favorite things about him, they suited him so well.

But my all time favorite thing about my Puddin is his eyes, they hold so much power but can also hold so much admiration. Sadly, he's focused on driving so I can't see them.

-"You like what you see sweets?" He purrs, looking over at me, with a playful grin on his face.

-"Of course, I always do," I lustfully say, leaning in, trying to decrease the space between us as much as possible.

-"I gotta say babe, even with those rags on, you look sexier than ever." He grins, grabbing onto my thigh. "Or maybe I just missed you."

I feel as he slowly moves his hand up, grabbing the side of my hip.

-"I missed that," I heavily breathe, not even realizing I said it out loud.

-"You like what?.. This?" He growls, aggressively taking ahold of my face as he crashes his lips against mine.

I swear I could see and hear fireworks as I savored every second of this kiss. I missed his touch so bad and now I finally get to feel it again. It's like ecstasy to me and also a reminder of why he's all I'll ever want.

As he slowly releases his lips from mine I hear him purr, "I can't wait to get you home."

And with those simple words, all the questions I had built up in my brain erased in a split second.

I can't wait to get home either.


•Short chapter~ sorry but I'll be updating ASAP tomorrow. Next chapter will be really good(;

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