Ch 9~ I Own You

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As we left the club I could see the frustration in Mr J's face. He was irritated that he even allowed me to be in control for a split second.

I knew not to say anything because I knew it would make matters much worse.

Looking over at him I noticed his jaw was so clenched it looked like it was going to break. His hands were so tightly grasped onto the wheel, his knuckles were turning a faint red.

He hates not being in control, not just over me, but over every aspect in his life. Everything was his puppet and he was the puppeteer.

He must've noticed me looking over at him because it resulted in a low, ruthless growl that escaped from his chest. He wanted nothing to do with me at the moment and this isn't the first time.

He can flip like a switch whenever he wants. One minute he's caressing my chin, kissing me on the forehead.. And then the next he's slapping me across the face.

Most of the things he gets frustrated at me for are just me trying to make him happy.. But I guess I get carried away sometimes.

When we arrived home, he quickly got out of the car and strode through the front door without one glance at me. Not gonna lie, I was afraid to go in that house.. I didn't know what waited for me. But I might as well get it over with, because it's inevitable to avoid.

Cautiously walking into the living room, I heard nothing but silence. I began looking around for Mr J, but saw nothing of him. I decided to go into the bedroom, so I would be far away from him, since that's probably what he wants.

As I steadily opened the bedroom door, careful not to make a sound, I felt a hand quickly grab around my neck. Forcefully pushing me against the wall I met face to face with him. His eyes were so enraged, it looked like they were lit up with flames.

I didn't like seeing him like this so I closed my eyes, trying to escape in my mind to any place but here.

-"Look at me Harleen." He groaned, pushing himself up against me even more, still having his hand tightly gripped around my neck.

Slowly opening my eyes I met his wild gaze again, but this time it was much worse.

-"You made me look like a little bitch at that club. You know not to ever even attempt to be in control. I own you Quinn, you are mine. It'll never be the other way around, do you understand?" Looking deep into my eyes, he was making it known he wanted me to agree with him.

I didn't even want to know what would happen if I didn't, so I gave him a little nod while a tear streamed down my face.

I suddenly felt his left hand grab something in his pocket. Looking down, I noticed his fingers gripped around a pocket knife. Flipping the blade open, he brought it up to my breasts leaving a long thin cut between them. I winced in pain, crying even more.

-"Since you want to be disobedient, and don't want to listen, this will be a reminder." He asserted, as his thumb brushed against my lip.

Before he let go of my throat, he swiftly brought the knife to my left eyebrow, leaving a slit right through the middle.

Once he left the room, I dropped to the floor, sobbing in pain. Looking down, I saw the blood rushing down my stomach and onto the floor.

How could he hurt me like this?

Running over to the bathroom, I glanced in the mirror at my face. I put my hand over my mouth, trying to hold in the uncontrollable sobs. There was an open gash separating my eyebrow, blood flowing down my eyelid and the side or lip.

I began unrolling the toilet paper, ripping off pieces as I pushed them against my wounds. Once I got the bleeding to let up a little bit, I stuck a few more pieces onto them, trying to make them act like bandaids.

Not to my help, Mr J didn't keep bandaids at all. I don't know if they hurt his ego or what, but me and him both would benefit from them. Some days he will walk into the front door with huge gashes across his chest or abdomen and I'll have to try to stop the bleeding with nothing but a wash cloth.

Running back over to our bedroom, I stripped my dress off and climbed into bed. Pulling the covers over my head to cover up any sound, I began to frantically cry.

All I want is for him to be happy with me. I try so hard to please him, but it's not enough. If I'm such a disappointment, why does he want me? That's a question that comes into my mind whenever something like this happens. What is it that holds him back from slitting my neck or pulling the trigger as the gun's pointed at my heart?

Without any answers, I would honestly rather die than him never opening up to me. I love him unconditionally, and I know he sees that.

So what is keeping him from letting me in?


*So I wanted to show the dark abusive side of Harley and the Jokers relationship like in the comic books. Their relationship isn't always pretty, I mean how could it be pretty with a psychopath?

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