Ch 15~ Taunting Memories

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This very moment was what I've needed since the first time I laid my eyes on him.

I never wanted to fix him or cure him, I just needed him to open up... not to Arkham Asylum or to the whole world.. but just me.

And he finally did.

He needs someone to share his burden with, and I have been fascinated with the idea of being that someone.

We both stayed in the corner of the bedroom wrapped in each others arms for the longest time, just admiring each others existent.

-"I'll be right back." He wistfully said before getting up and disappearing out of the door. Confusion was the only thing on my mind before he came back with a small box hidden in his hand. Inside was an ultrasound picture of a small baby curled up into a tiny ball.

Heartache struck my whole body as I peered down at my stomach, wondering what it would be like to have my very own baby with Mr J. To be able to look at a person and know that they were made by the pure love of two people.

A baby has never really crossed my mind before. I've been so focused on my Puddin, I haven't really pictured another person in my life. I never really told Mr J but I am afraid that when that time comes, where we want to try, I won't be able to properly get pregnant.. since what happened in the acid vat and all.

You would think that by now, If I actually could, I would've already. There's been several opportunities...

My heart sunk as the thought of never being able to start a family with the love of my life fogged my mind.

I looked up to see grief written all over Mr J's face. He was holding onto the baby photo so tightly I thought It was going to crumble in the palm of his hand.

-"I can't even remember her name anymore." He rasped, fighting the tears from seeping out from his eyes.

A sickening feeling coursed through my body as I realized who that little human in the photo was...

It was his child.

I didn't speak. It's not because I didnt have anything to say, I did have a million questions. But I was going to allow him to have this moment to himself, to share his loss with me. I just sat there, and experienced every emotion with him.

-"The only way I know she's even a girl is because I visited my old house while you were gone... that was before I even knew if you survived or where you even were. I thought you were forever gone for the longest time and I was trying to find something to keep me going, and my mind took me right to my old front lawn." He uttered this as he looked up at me, his gaze a faint red from the tears filling up in his eyes.

I wanted to comfort him as best as I could, so I got onto his lap and began wiping away every drop that spilled down his cheeks. He burrowed his head into my chest before continuing,

-"When I walked into the house, it was deserted. Every piece of furniture, every picture, every existence of a family was gone. I was just about to leave, but then I saw this photo on the floor in the corner of one of the rooms. It had a note taped to the back of it too..." he started to trail off mid sentence, a low growl emitting from his chest.

-"You can tell me." I whispered, whilst running my hands down his back. He suddenly moved his head, so his mouth was right up against my ear.

-"It said 'Hi Daddy, if you see this I am 8 years old now, and I miss you'." The words he spoke spewed out like they have been on the tip of his tongue for years.

-"That single sentence has haunted every single day Harley." He groaned, as he positioned his gaze right into mine.

-"Why don't you find her?" I mumbled to him, tears now filling up in my eyes too.

A small smirk played across his lips, but his eyes showed no amusement whatsoever.

-"Because of all the electroshock therapy and the acid bath, I can't remember a single amount of information to point me into the direction of her whereabouts."

It all started making sense now. The very thought of what he's going through would make anyone go absolutely mad. He once had another life and his mind didn't totally erase the memory of it, but left bits and pieces that taunt him every single second.

-"It dosent matter anymore, that baby deserves the old me, not the new one.... But you do deserve me, now, and every aspect of me, Harley." His lips formed into a small grin as he spoke, broadcasting some of his silver set of teeth.

My heart fluttered with every word. My thoughts being settled every time he spoke.

He grabbed ahold of my face as he brought his inches away from mine.

-"You are the only thing that makes me appreciate the destruction of the person I once was, if that never happened I wouldn't have met you." He murmured this to me like it was a secret he has never told anyone his whole life.

And the funny thing is.... that it was.


* I wanted to show a little bit of his past. I looked up some theories of it and kind of tweaked it to become my own (: hope y'all enjoy!

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