Ch 7~ Reset

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I slowly awoke to find myself surrounded in pitch blackness.

Reaching out for the familiar body next to me, hoping to feel him, but all I felt was cold air.

I could tell it wasn't morning yet because the sun wasn't seeping through the black curtains.

As I gained consciousness from my deep sleep I could hear the loud bass from music downstairs. Fairly confused, I began walking out of the room and down the steps to make sure I wasn't hearing things.

As I turned the corner I saw the familiar figure of Mr J leaned against the wall. He had all of his guns out, probably reloading them.

-"Why aren't you sleeping?" I mumbled, surprised if he even heard me over the loud bumping of the music. But he did.

-"Theres no time for sleep." He muttered, looking up to see my naked body wrapped in satin purple sheets.

When I noticed his gaze on me, I grabbed onto the sheets harder, making sure they wouldn't fall. This wasn't like me.

It's like the time apart pressed reset on our relationship.

It feels as if I just moved in, getting an overpowering rush from just his eyes focused on me.

I'm guessing he could see my shyness peaking out, so he decided to poke at it.

-"Why so shy kitten? It hasn't been long since I saw every inch of your naked body under me." When he said that I could see the humor in his eyes. He liked this new found side of me.

I didn't know what to say, but that didn't seem to bother him. I watched as he got up and began walking towards me.

My eyes trailed down his shirtless body and black sweatpants, revealing every tattoo painted on his pale glowing skin. It's at times like this I question how such breathtaking person would even want me.

Standing in front of me, he cupped my chin in his hand.

-"Lets get out of the house baby, I want to see you dance for me." Looking into my eyes, he knew I knew where we were going... the last place we were at before I was taken.

But that didn't even phase me. The excitement of being able to dance for my puddin again clouded all of my worries.

-"You're favorite dress is hanging in the closet, go slip it on and meet me in my office." He whispered, whilst nibbling on my ear.

The excitement was overbearing, I could not wait to see his eyes fixated on my every move.

Without a single word, I ran up the stairs. Opening the closet door I saw the gold and black mini dress I've been dying to put on again. Taking it off the hanger, I quickly dropped the sheets and slipped into it. Just the sight of it brought back the feelings I felt earlier that night, but this time they were so much stronger.

I want to make my puddin proud to call me his.

Walking over to the mirror I was in awe when i saw the intricate detail of the black diamonds on the sparkly gold fabric. It was a reminder of why this has always been my favorite dress, its not like anything you would find in your every day store.

Well.. because it wasn't in your every day store.

Not too long ago when me and Mr J were out in the city of Gotham, I saw this dress in the showcase window in Gucci. He must've seen my eyes light up when i caught sight of it because it wasn't long before he brought it up to me in a gold box with a pink bow wrapped around it.

Focusing back in on my reflection, I noticed my hair was a mess and my face was bare. So I quickly turned on the curling iron while I put on my eyeshadow; pink and blue with a hint of black.

Right before I was about to leave the room I remembered I forgot to put on lipstick. Running back over to my makeup vanity, I smeared a dark red across my lips and put on black louis vuitton heels.

All done.

My puddin is not going to be able to take his eyes off me.

With a huge smile on my face I trotted down the stairs and into his office.

-"Oh baby, you look so good," he growled while looking me up and down.

-"You have a good eye," he added on, referencing my dress.

Seeing the approval in his facial expression made me feel like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

-"I wanted to look good for you Mr J," I giggled, trying to say anything that would make him want to touch me.

He could tell, and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

-"Lets go sweets." He uttered, grabbing my hand as he pulled me towards the car.

* End of Chapter 7 (: Let me know if want the next one, if enough of you do I'll update later tonight!

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