Ch 23~ Red

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I woke up in a dimly lit room surrounded with emerald green shrubbery covering my body. I tried to maneuver my way out of the plant trap, but it did no good, the stems just kept getting tighter.

-"Stop struggling, you're only wasting precious energy." The soft but mysterious voice echoed, coming from across the room.

There she sat, the beaming ruby hair as noticeable as a flashlight in the dark. She wore green like it was her prized possession, and obviously it was, considering what her home consisted of.

She still looks the same since the time she was my patient in Arkham and since the last time I saw her. She still wore a menacing yet hypnotizing look on her face. Her presence pulled you in, her character a pure magnet for men. She could probably have anyone she wants with a single flip of her hair, or a simple smooth spoken word.

When she spoke you were forced to listen, just like my puddin...

-"Snap out of it, you better not even be thinking of him." She cursed, making sure to emphasize 'him' like it was deadly.

She began drifting over to me, and with a sudden upward movement of her finger the strained plants unraveled from me.

-"Whats so bad about him anyways?" I snap as I stretch my arms above my head, letting out a groan as soon as I felt a sharp pain to my hip.

-"He's a psychotic user Harleen-"

She was suddenly interrupted as soon as I heard what she called me.

-"Its Harley not Harleen, and since we are giving each other nicknames, I'm calling you Red." I persisted, hoping she didnt like the name, so she wouldn't ever call me Har-

-"That's fine Harleen, I'm completely fine with the name Red." She snickered, giving me a mocking grin.

Ugh. I need out of here before I start World War III with this chick. Quickly getting up from the couch, I start towards the door.

-"It was nice and all for you to help me out but I had that under control." I shout, extending out my hand to swiftly wave goodbye.

But it didn't take long before the olive colored ropes were enfolding around my arms and legs again, holding me upright like a statue.

-"Oh no, no, no" she laughs, "I'm not letting you run back to that joke of a business man, to get beat up on all over again."

-"And why do you care? You don't even know me Red, you only knew Harleen and she's gone." I spat, wrinkling my nose in frustration.

-"Harleen or no Harleen, I saw potential in your way of thinking and he ruined that for you. Also, your mistake of giving that demented freak a gun helped me get out of that wretched asylum so I'm paying you back." She declared, acting as if she was really going to help me.

-"But you already did that, when you injected me with that green stuff, remember? The increased speed and agility-"

-"Yes, of course, that was me paying you back, but I see great possibility of you becoming way more than the Jokers punching bag honey." She assured, circling around me like I was her next meal.

-"My puddin loves me, even if he's a little rough sometimes. You don't get to see him like I do." I proclaimed, holding onto every word I said, hoping I truly believed it still.

-"Yeah, yeah your middle name should be 'Welcome,' you're just like a doormat." Ivy chuckles, humored by her own joke. How rude.

-"I'm not like that, am I?" I question, reality hitting me like a pebble in the face.

-"Honey, all he has to do is come knocking on the door and you'll let him in in a heart beat." She beams, twirling around like there was a ball going on this very moment.

-"Whatever. Can you get these things off of me so we can at least do something to take my mind off him?" I groan, rolling my eyes as I tugged at the vines.

-"Good idea. Let's show this city what a pair of lady's can really do." She relished, snapping her fingers as the plants unraveled off me for the second time today.


Jokers POV:

I leaned against the wall, bottles of liquor spaced out around me. I thought of every place she could be, but she was nowhere to be found.

Not being able to find something is a new obstacle for me, and it's driving me more insane than I already am.

-"Go look again." I demand, pointing the gun at one of my henchman's chest.

-"But boss, we've checked every place you said at least ten times already." One of them plead, empathy and concern written all over his face.

-"Don't question me ever, you hear?" I sneer, raising my voice with each word.

-"O-okay boss whatever you say."

And with that, they were gone, swiftly walking out of the door before I changed my mind shot them.

Picking up a few of the bottles, I started hurling them at the wall, glass shattering all over the floor. The rage from not hearing her humming and giggling around the house was eating me alive with every passing second.

She is mine, and whoever has her is going to pay.

Images of how I wanted to kill them began playing like a horror movie in my head, causing intense laughter to fill up every inch of the vacant space, like a hurricane ready to hit Gotham with full force.


*Enjoy (:

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