Ch 16~ I Tried

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I woke up to the glaring sun once again, thankful to see Mr J sleeping contently beside me.

I decided to soak in every second of this moment since they don't come often. He was turned over on his side, his mouth slightly pouted, but no furrow between his eyebrows were found. This was actually one of few mornings that I woke up before him, so a bright idea popped into my mind.

I'm going to make the best breakfast for him ever. Quietly hopping out of bed, I quickly buttoned one of his purple button up shirts over my bare body, and skipped into the kitchen. The biggest smile possible plastered across my face.

I decided to open up all of the blinds to brighten up the place and I was in awe when I saw the house all lit up. It looked more pleasant and much more happier than normal.

Tying my hair up in messy bun, I got to work. Strolling over to the kitchen, I proceeded to grab the eggs, bacon, and pancake mix out and placed them onto the counter. I felt there was something missing from this astounding morning, and suddenly it hit me... music!

Running over to radio, I quickly turned it on and switched through the stations until I found a song that made my mood even better. Dancing back to the kitchen, I hummed the words to Sugar by Maroon 5.

This moment actually felt somewhat normal, and I was totally digging it.

First, I started frying the bacon, trying so hard not to burn myself. I could hear the faint crackle pop as it simmered on the hot pan. It didn't take long before the aroma of Mr J's cologne and the faint smell of bacon filled the air. I got so caught up in the moment of everything I barely realized it was burning quickly, but luckily I got the pieces out of the pan before they were completely black.

Not going to lie but I was pretty astonished with myself. This was my first time cooking in years, and yet I still managed to not burn the whole house down. But I wasn't finished yet... I stared down at the pancake mix, trying to read the directions as best as I could, but it seemed the words were going through one ear and out the other.

Oh well, I'll just wing it.. It can't be THAT hard.

Once I whisked up all of the ingredients, I poured the mixture into my other pan. Puddins going to love this so much, he will be so happy with me, I just know it! All the difficult feelings and heartache from last night will disappear from his mind and he will only look forward to our future now.

I must've gotten so wrapped up in my thoughts that I forgot to flip the pancake because when I looked down it was practically on fire. I began blowing at it, trying to make it disperse but to my luck the flames got bigger. Suddenly, the fire alarm began blaring throughout the house and that just made my heart rate higher. Grabbing the pan I rushed to the sink, extinguishing the flames under the faucet.

Well at least I didn't literally burn the house down.

Looking down at my mess of a breakfast, a frown drooped down my face.

-"Now my puddins not gonna be very happy after all." I whispered to myself, grabbing pieces of pancake mix out of my hair.


Jokers POV:

I was disturbingly woken up from my very rare content sleep to the sharp sound of the fire alarm blaring in my ears.

Not the best way to wake up in the morning.

Looking over, I didn't see the usual petite body curled up next to me. What did she get her self into now.

A low growl emitted from my lips as I slumped out of bed and pulled on some sweatpants. Walking down stairs I couldn't believe what was before my eyes. I couldn't help but chuckle as I saw the predicament she was in.

She was slouched up against the wall, her face showing immense disappointment as her hands tightly crossed in front of her chest. When she saw me her eyes lit up, but she kept her distance, probably scared I was going to be angry at her for waking me up the way that she did. Normally, I would've been, but for some reason the clear effort she put in for me had me more than amused.

-"Whats all this?" I questioned, trying to hold back the laughter building inside of me.

She simply just shrugged her shoulders and pouted as she peered at the mess she made. No lie, she's incredibly sexy when she's angry. I couldn't help myself to trail my eyes down her body, admiring how pleasing she looked in my shirt.

To hell with breakfast! She looks way more delicious.

-"Daddy's not mad pumpkin," I grinned as I made my way over to her, slightly holding out my arms to wrap them around her.

When she saw I wasn't angry at her, a squeak burst out of her lips as she ran to me. Everything in me wanted to be enraged at her and to be in complete and utter control, especially from my vulnerable episode last night but I couldn't.

I mean how could I? When she's looking like THAT.


*Decided to add Jokers point of view, to also see his side of things. Sorry for not uploading sooner, I've been so busy. Hope y'all enjoy! Let me know if you want the next chapter 😘

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