Ch 34~ I Didn't Ask

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I watched the beautiful lifeless body sprawled out on Red's floor as she searched through the countless bottles of leafy mixtures.

-"A-HAH!" She smiled, looking over me with hopeful eyes.

-"What is it?" I ask, excitement spewing out of me with every word.

-"I found it! This bottle right here will revive your green wacked out lover." She giggled, showing me the bottle in her hand like it was a trophy she just won.

I didn't say a word back, just looked over at J, hoping that this would work.

As she dropped the greenish liquid in his parted mouth, I could feel my stomach clenching with pure anxiety.

All I could do was repeat 'C'mon J, wake up for me" over and over.

-"Don't worry Harls, it'll take about half and hour for him to gain consciousness." She reassured, placing a warm hand to my cold shoulder.

Those abundance of minutes, felt like a mountain of hours as I laid next him on the frigid floor. I listened and hoped for a single heartbeat as I pressed my ear against his chest.

The silence of the room gave my mind a new profound voice as I thought about my old life, before him.

Arriving into the large city Gotham, I couldn't help but feel belittled. This was finally my time to really test my skills, and be the psychologist I always hoped to be.

-"Here's your building." The taxi driver smiled, as I handed him the money in my hand.

-"Thank you, heres to a new beginning." I grinned, standing up with my small suitcase in my other hand.

The sound of my heels click-clacking echoed in my ears as I made my way to my new apartment building.

Once I arrived upstairs, I couldn't help but feel ecstatic looking at this small one bedroom home. It wasn't much, but it was mine.

I'm not much, but I am his.

No matter which way I looked at my story, I always found myself ending up with him by my side.

The life he introduced to me was my purpose.

My whole body flinched as I heard the single, distant 'thump' of a heartbeat.

I couldn't help but scream, as I jumped up and clutched his face in my hands.

-"WHAT IS IT?! ARE YOU OKAY?" Ivy ran in the room, pure fear in her face.

-"I HEARD HIS HEARTBEAT!" I gleefully yell, jumping up and down like a small child.

-"Oh, that's what it was. You had me scared with that scream Harley." She sneered, yet coming to embrace me in a hug.

-"I told you I could save him." She softly spoke, but I could hear the pain behind her voice.

She didn't want me anywhere near him.

-"Thank you." I whimper, squeezing her even tighter.

Looking down, I saw his eyes begin to flutter open, and my heart skipped a beat. Bending down, I embraced his face with my hand.

-"You're okay." I spoke, as I lightly kissed his hand.

As his eyes gained full sight, they laid on me. Looking me up and down, a small grin played across his red lips.

Pulling me up on top of him, he wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled me closer to him.

Leaning down, we got caught him in a heated kiss and everything stood still.

It was as if it were only me and him in this entire universe.

-"How'd you find me?" He lightly questioned as our lips detached.

-"I just knew where to find you." I smiled, but sadness overcame my expression as I remembered the recent events.

-"I-" He went to spoke, but his own thoughts cut him off.

I watched as the happiness flushed from his face too, but it wasn't sadness like mine. His eyes hardened, and a blank expression took over.

Grabbing me, he quickly got me off of him as he swiftly stood up.

Still on the floor, I looked up to see him looking around.

-"This is Ivy's place." He snapped, glancing down at me.

-"Sh-She saved you." I stuttered, still taken aback by this sudden change of emotion.

A low growl escaped his chest as he disappeared out of the room without a single word.

I hurried after him, hoping he wasn't looking for Red.

-"Where are you going?!" I cried.

-"Home." He annoyingly stated.

-"But you have no car." I whispered, hoping me stating the obvious wouldn't anger him too much.

-"Give me your phone Harley." He spoke, holding out his hand for it.

I went to reach for it, but something held me back.

-"No." I abruptly said.

I watched as a stunned look came across his face at my defiance.

-"No?" He questioned, anger reappearing in his eyes.

-"You are not leaving me again. Not after all I went through to get you back." I exclaimed, trying to keep myself together in front of his glare.

Inching closer to me, my body felt like it was shrinking as he towered over me.

Rubbing his hands up and down my sides gave me goosebumps as he leaned into my ear. The soft spoken words made my body melt, and my eyes engulfed with salted tears.

"I didn't ask you to save me."


-Thank you for all the love in the comments!! I loveeeee reading them 😍

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