Ch 11~ Master Plan

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As I tip toed down the stairs, I peaked around the corner of the wall into the living room. There stood Mr J pacing back and forth with his hands almost pulling out his hair.

The usual morning ritual.

I began walking over to him trying to hide the huge grin that was trying to plaster itself across my face. If he caught sight of that, he would definitely know something was up.

When he noticed me half way towards him, his eyes averted straight to mine, focusing in on every ounce of expression I showed on my face. I could tell he was trying to figure out what I was thinking, but let out an annoyed groan when he got nothing.

-"Good morning Puddin!" I cheerfully say, frolicking over to him.

I planted a big ol' kiss on his cheek before looking up at him, waiting for what he was going to possibly say next.

I could tell he was taken aback by my unusual cheerfulness following the unpleasant events from last night.

He quickly shook his head as if he was trying to shake out every ounce of doubt he had about my abnormal mood.

-"I have a few things to take care of today," he cleared his throat before continuing "It will take longer than expected, so I want you stay put here, understand?"

I contently nodded my head before giving him a small peck on the lips.

-"Hope you kill all of those idiots who decided to disobey you puddin," I cheekily smile while cupping his cheek with my hand.

Usually me talking about anything to do with killing forged at least a small grin on his face but this time no smile was to be found. He just looked down at me and quickly tapped the tip of my nose with his finger.

-"Wait for me." he muttered, before hurriedly striding out of the door.

He was acting strange and I had an idea why..

Whatever dream he had was still replaying over and over in his brain, and he was hoping I couldn't see the vulnerability it was causing him to have. He was stressed out over the very thought of becoming even more attached to me and then losing me all over again.

He was distancing himself away from me and it was all Batmans fault.

This just gave me even more of an initiative to go after that lousy vermin of a "super hero." Quickly running into Mr J's office I began thinking up a plan. After a few hours later, I had the best scheme I've ever thought of. It's going to work, and me and my puddin are going to live happily ever after!

Looking over at the old phone sitting in the corner of the room an idea popped into my head. I remember a while back Mr J was raging about Batsy tapping his phone and listening in on all of his conversations. I bet if I just followed my planned script and talked into the phone he would hear me.

Walking over, I placed the phone to the side of my face. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit nervous. I'm not used to following through with any plans without Mr J.

-"Hello, is anyone there? Batman? I need your help to get rid of Mr J.. he tried to kill me last night and I'm now afraid for my life! I can't get rid of him myself, and if I don't quickly do this he will take me out first. We would both benefit from this.. please. If you are willing, meet me at the corner of Elm and Ridge street at 10." I got so into it I began sniffling and tears were streaming down my face.

When I got done talking, I waited for a few seconds for any sound of a reply.

Suddenly, I heard the click of a phone being put down. A grin played across my face when I realized he was listening. As much as I wanted to jump up and down and celebrate that my plan worked, I didn't have enough time...

I had to think of a way to kill him so my puddin will be proud.

Let the hyenas eat him? No, too expected.

Hang him upside down and beat him with my bat? Maybe.. but I need something more creative.

Suddenly, a flashback played before my eyes. It was when Mr J was talking about how he wanted a huge fish tank filled with piranhas. He usually gets whatever he wants whenever be thinks of it, but he must of forgot.

I could creatively take out his worst enemy and he could also have something he's wanted for a while.

I began hysterically laughing at the idea of Batsy hanging head first in a full tank of blood thirsty fish.

My puddin will be so proud of me and so incredibly amused by my master plan.

I decided to call up Frost on my cell phone, to see if he can put this together for me. Frost is Mr J's loyal hitman and would do anything for him. Probably since he's terrified of what would happen if he didn't.

~an hour later~

The tank was in place up against the wall of the dining room as I slid on a black leather jacket and a black beanie. Excitement rushed through my body, but i tried to block it out the best that I could. I have to be upset and scared for him to believe my scheme.

Upset and scared Harley

Upset and scared

Upset and scared

I repeated this to myself as I got into the drivers seat of Mr J's blacked out Bugatti. This was usually the car he used if he had to do some serious killing... and thats exactly what I set out to do.

* Harley still has some of her smarts left(; Hope ya'll enjoy! oh and by the way thank you to catalactic for my new cover photo, I love it!

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