Ch 29~ Setup

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The cool air hit my face like tiny needles as my breath became a cloud of white fog above me. The car door shut and I watched J make his way over to me. His face was full of adrenaline and pure mischievous happiness as he eyed me in front of him.

-"Alright you know the drill, its just you and me babe." He growled, his metal teeth mimicking the bright stars above us.

I was mesmerized at him and this moment. His toxic confidence brushed over me and now I felt like a ticking time bomb. We are both ticking time bombs ready to implode at any given moment.

He looked unstoppable as I admired him while walking into Penguins mansion. A machine gun was held in his right hand and his other was wrapped firmly around my waist. My cheeks began to flush into a blush pink as his eyes brushed down to look at me, giving me a quick wink. He had me in this trance and I felt like I could stare at him forever, but the piercing sound of the traitors voice pushed me into reality.

-"Oh Joker, how very nice to see you. I've been awaiting to finally speak face to face." Penguin menacingly smiled, perking up from across the long wooden table.

-"Well I thought why not, we both hold such a large empire in Gotham." J smirked, but his voice showed no evidence he wanted to share anything with anyone.

Suddenly I watched as the bird like man switched his gaze over to me, his undying grin growing even wider.

-"Oh, so this is the infamous Harley Quinn? I've heard your name around the city, retired Psychologist.. yes?" He chuckled, as he stumbled over to where I was, his hand desperately holding to his cane.

As he got closer I could feel Mr J's arm tightening around me, a low growl erupting from his chest.

-"Well, I would have to say you created a work of art Joker, very impressed." Oswald sang as he eyed my leather dress, switching his gaze between me and puddin.

-"So from what I'm seeing she's your sidekick, your right-hand-man, or should I say woman?" He hummed, purely entertained with me.

I looked up at J awaiting his answer, but all I could see was his jaw clenching as he glared at the fragile man in front of us.

-"We didnt come here to talk about her, we came to talk about Batman, yes?" He groaned, decreasing the space between him and Penguin.

His grin spread even wider as he calculated his next answer, not at all intimidated by J, which took me by surprise.

-"Don't worry, she's all yours. But yes, Batman, he needs to go." Oswald hissed, as he made his way back to his chair.

Two guards were on either side of him, large guns rested in their hands.

-"Don't just stand there like dead corpses, go get a drink for my new friends." The traitor snapped, shooting his head in their direction as he gave them a death stare like no other.

-"Unless you want to be corpses, then theres no problem in getting that done."

And with that, the two large men rushed into the kitchen, not giving any of us a second glance.

I could feel the adrenaline make its way to my head as the conversation continued between Penguin and Mr J. My hand gripped the hand grenade under my under my dress, as I playfully let out a giggle.

This caught both of their attention as they turned to look at me.

-"Sorry, just feeling a little lightheaded from the sight of such a dangerous man like yourself. Oh puddin, lemme have some fun with Oswald for a little, please!" I pouted, as I whisked from my chair and over to him.

I watched as J's eyes burned through my every move. Even though this was part of the plan, I could sense jealousy, and I loathed it. Penguins eyes grew wider as I made my way to the back of him, brushing my hands over his shoulders and down his chest.

Confusion took over, as he turned to look at me and back at Joker.

-"You want her? She's all yours for the time being, consider it a peace offering." J grinned, as he swiftly licked over his lips.

-"Yeah baby, I'm all yours. Do what you want with me, I don't care." I moaned in his ear as I brushed my lips over it.

My wicked smile grew bigger as I saw goosebumps appear down his arms. It was working. I slowly moved my arms down his waist, but right before I could get any closer his tight grasp stopped me.

-"You think this little facade can trick me, think again honey." He chuckled, whipping his head around to look at me, his tight grasp around my wrist becoming even stronger.

Anxiety prickled over me as I watched our plan unravel in front of me. Before I could even look at J, his voice loudly yelled 'Now!"

My body jolted as I heard my cue and I swiftly pulled the grenade from my dress. Puddin strided over in the matter of seconds with his loaded machine gun to Penguins head.

-"Now we are going to light this place up if you don't give me my damn money." J groaned, snaking his head around to face our new victim.

-"Oh I know where it is..." Oswald hummed, a smile still not erased from his face.

There was a short pause of silence before J replied,

-"Don't make me force it out of you, it would get rather bloody, and I just bought this new suit."

A loud echo of his beautifully haunting laughter filled the room but was suddenly halted when he heard Penguins reply.

-"Your friend Ivy has it."

My amused face now turned into dumbfounded shock and I could feel it flush away all color as I heard her name.


*Let me know what you think 💞

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