Ch 13~ Broken

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I couldn't believe what was before my eyes.

Since this morning I've imagined a thousand different ways he would react.. and this was the farthest from any of them.

He was breathing rapidly as he gazed from Batman to me. When he reached me, his eyes became wild and dark. This was by far the angriest I've ever seen him at me.

I was frozen. My fear took over my body as I stared back at him, waiting for his next move. A low growl escaped his lips as he prowled over to me, his hands clutched tightly into fists.

"H-hiya Puddin," was the only thing I managed to get out before he backhanded my face, collapsing me on the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He hissed, but still managing to keep his composure.

He didn't want to be seen not in control of his feelings in from of his loyal enemy.

Quickly getting up I ran over to the table to get the illustrations for my plan. Maybe if I just explained it to him, he wouldn't be so furious at me.

"S-see Mr J I got it all right here! R-remember how you wanted the piranha tank.. w-well I got you that.. a-and you have always wanted to kill Batman.. well I got him for yah.... I just want us to always be happy together, but that will never happen if he still exists." I timidly insisted, making sure to point right in B mans direction.

After he heard what all I had to say for myself, he quickly turned around and started at me full speed. Every bone in my body wanted to run, but I knew that would make matters much worse later on.

So I stood there, ready to take impact.

He picked me up by the shoulders and ran my back hard into the wall. A yelp escaped as I felt my it pop.

He help me firmly against it as my legs hung loosely, inches from the floor.

-"You will never get it will you?! You are nothing but a constant headache Quinn and always trying to get in between me and my work... So give me one good reason I shouldn't snap your neck right now." He peered into my eyes as he said every single word, resentment written all over his face.

My heart snapped into little tiny pieces as I heard everything he said. I guess it has finally come to this. Everything I do is not enough, and I try so hard. I truly thought he would be so delighted with me after I've done all this.

And all of it was for only him.

-"Do it... Do it! If I'm nothing but a bother to you DO IT!" I began to scream at the top of my lungs as tears clung to my face.

He was taken aback by my recent words, a confused look played across his face as he realized I wasn't afraid anymore.

-"I'm the only one that has ever loved you unconditionally! I have held onto you countless times as you wept into my stomach, rethinking if you really wanted to live the next day or even hour. I forgive you even as your beating my face in. I'm the only one who has truly cared and you just don't want to admit it. You let me in and then you push me away. I don't want to fix you J, I want to truly be able to love you. You just won't let me! So if you want to kill me do it! I am done being your own little joke."

Words began to pour out of my mouth before I could even comprehend what they said.

Every thought.

Every worry.

Every ounce of love I had for him spilled out in those short seconds.

I covered my mouth as soon as I realized what I had just said right in front of Mr J's enemy. I slowly trailed my eyes back down to his. They were cold and not looking at me anymore, but only at the wall beside me.

He immediately dropped me to the ground before quickly turning away from me, his hands roughly combing over his hair.

-"Well, well, as much as you liked it Batman.. the show is over." The words crept out of his mouth, as he averted all of his attention over to the man tied up before him.

Not even making notice of my existence anymore.

The "superhero" didn't even have the words to say after all he witnessed. He just instantly whisked out of the room after Mr J untied him.

I laid there, battered and broken. My right shoulder and lower back were increasing with pain, the feeling giving me an intense ringing in my ears. I tried to focus in on where he was at, but I kept going in and out of consciousness.

I instantaneously made out the outline of his shoe in front of me before



~An hour later~

As I opened my eyes all I could see was black.

I tried to get up but the sound of chains pulled me back to the ground. I began to yank at them profusely, wanting nothing more than to escape this shadow.

He must've heard me because I heard a click before the light turned on above, illuminating the icy cold shackles covering my wrists in front of me. Tears spilled down my face as I came to the realization that he had me locked up like some animal he never wanted to see again.

I looked up to see him standing in the cracked open door. He had a look on his face I've never seen before...



*This chapter is intense and it may be a bit confusing of why he has her locked away, but you will get the full idea next update (; any thoughts of why he does?

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