Ch 37~ Star

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My mind was spinning in circles as I caught sight of the love of my life, barely lifeless with so many tubes and IV's keeping him trapped against the small bed.

I felt like I was going to pass out or hurl, maybe both. Without a sound I stumbled my way over to the right side of him. The sound of his breathing was the only thing keeping me from going completely insane (well insanER.) The bloody bandage circling his head made my stomach crumble and I couldn't help but feel he was already gone.

This wasn't J. Not barely holding to life like this. J held onto life like it was the only thing he had. He didn't look at it as a means of survival, he looked at it as a way to truly live, without someone telling him how to. I could feel panic brushing over me like a fine paintbrush, small amounts coursing all throughout my body.

Running out of the hospital, my breath halted, feeling like I was gonna die if I had to breath in another scent of latex gloves. A sigh of relief came as I felt the cool wind blow against my face, gathering myself, I let the tears roll down my cheeks silently. I couldn't help but feel like J was on yacht somewhere in the far end of the ocean, sailing away from me.

As long as he is living I wouldn't care anymore. Sitting on a bench, I couldn't help but notice the stares I got and the occasional whispers of "Isn't that Harley Quinn, the Jokers girlfriend?"


"Shouldn't she be locked up or somethin?"

Giggling to myself, I stared right back at them. Sticking my tongue out at an elderly man.
Suddenly I began laughing and laughing, trying to hold back the tears trying to escape. Fear was in the back of my brain, trying to bring me back to reality. I couldn't go back into that room, I couldn't see him so lifeless again.

So I waited on that bench all the way until dark. Lying on it, I looked up at the infinity amount of stars, dotting the darkness like eyes looking back down at me. Suddenly I felt reassurance by looking up at them. If puddin ever dies, he's definitely going to be star. The biggest and brightest one, probably even green.

A small giggle came out and the icy fog expanded out of my mouth. I could feel my bones going numb but I didn't want to move. The starry sky had me in a trance as pure peace engulfed me. Lining up the dots of light I saw J's ever so brilliant smile as relevant as ever. Closing my eyes darkness took over as my consciousness fell asleep.

No ones point of view~

-"Excuse me ma'am, you need to get inside somewhere it's freezing." Mumbled the tall man in the police officer uniform. Worry struck him as he saw the woman's chest not moving. Grabbing her in his arms he took her straight into the hospital she was in front of.

-"Urm excuse me, I found this lady outside half frozen. It dosent seem like she's breathing!" He basically yelled, as the nurses hurried and took the blue and pink haired girl out of his arms.

It didn't take long before they had her breathing again, but barely. Tubes and a breathing mask covered her pale skin.

-"Hey, I saw that girl yesterday. She came her to see the Joker." The petite nurse said, widening her eyes as she said the Jokers name.

-"Theyre both out of their minds, wouldn't surprise me if she thought she'd see him outside or something." Laughed the other nurse.

Suddenly the intercom came on and the code for a flatline covered everyone's ears.

Rushing over to the room, the nurse got herself prepared. As she walked in pure shock displayed on her face as she caught sight of the bright green hair. A surgeon was already in there, shocking electricity into him, hoping for a beep from the machine.

-"C'mon Joker, aren't you supposed to be indestructible?!" The surgeon cried out as he continued.

But seconds dragged into minutes without any sign of a single heartbeat. And then minutes turned into hours, until all hope was lost.

-"Time of death, 2:03 A.M." The doctor huffed as he removed his gloves.

Suddenly a woman in a dark pencil skirt and a jacket entered the room. Raising her wallet she presented a card to the doctor.

-"Kelly Hathaway, I work for the Arkham Asylum. I'm here to take Harley Quinn and the Joker."

-"Well Harley Quinn is currently in an induced coma and well.... the Jokers dead." He awkwardly stated, scratching the back of his head as a look of hopelessness made itself apparent.

-"Well then.. I guess I'll just have to take Miss Harley then... where is she?" The lady chimed, tapping a pen impatiently against her leg.

-"Well.. Mrs. Hathaway.. I can't let you do that. She has to be in a conscious state before you can carry her off to the Asylum." He stated, walking towards her.

-"Oh don't worry, we will revive her in no time. And plus I have a handwritten letter from the mayor." She scoffed, handing the flattened envelope to the doctor.

Shaking his head he read word for word, before handing it back.

-"Well then.. can't go against the mayor, now can I? Third door to your left is where she's at. Oh and didn't Arkhum shut down after the incident with the Joker years ago?" He questioned, looking up at her with pure curiosity.

-"Oh, it's back and running, and will be for a long time." She laughed as her heels click lacked down the hallway, taking a swift left.


Uh oh poor Harley 😱

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