Ch 14~ Defenseless

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He was normally the one to never fear intense eye contact.

But now he couldn't even look in my direction. He keeps fidgeting with hands like he dosen't know what to do with me.

As he began walking towards me, I started to push myself back, trying to decrease the space between us. After what happened a few hours ago, I was terribly frightened. I can usually take whatever is coming towards me from him, but now that I know he sees me as just one of his little toys,

the love I have for him isn't going to shield my heart anymore.

I felt like one of the hopeless victims he would bring to his office for some fun. The screams of pure agony that fled from their lips was music to his ears.

I wasn't going to let him have that satisfaction with me, no matter what he does.

Whatever he has planned for me, I will make sure to hold in the pain and stare straight into those unexplainable eyes of his. He was going to feel everything I felt. Maybe not physically but for damn sure emotionally.

I was glaring at his every move, ready to flinch if he reached out to hit me. I had nothing to say to him, I seemed to always have at least a word, but this time I was voiceless in his presence.

-"Now you're going to be mute Harley? That's not like you my dear." The words came from his lips in a taunting manner, but he knew why I have fallen quiet.

There was no response from my end. I was just ready for him to get it over with, I was already in agony from my back and shoulder.

If this life isn't for me, then no life is.

-"Guess I am going to have to coerce the words out of you then.." He had a grin on his face, but it was disingenuous. He was becoming frustrated that I wasn't giving him a scene of some sort.

I just sat there, crouched against the corner of the bedroom, looking at him with defenseless eyes.

-"Just get it over with." I muttered, the words falling off my tongue like an avalanche.

Those simple words made the fear he was trying to cover up with smiles become even more apparent on his face. I was now turning his own little game, into a challenge. I wanted to test his limits, push him over the edge, no matter the consequences.

I mean he's gonna kill me anyways, right?

He knelt down in front of, grabbing ahold of my face as he turned my gaze to his. I could see his wall he had built up start to crumble down,

brick by brick.

But him being the notorious joker, he wasn't going to let it fall that easily.

-"Where do you want the bullet darling?" He took the gun out, the one he gave me a year ago. The words "hate" and "love still prominently written on the chamber.

Without a single word, I grabbed hold of it and pointed it to my heart. As I looked deep into his eyes, I spun the chamber so it landed on "love."

I loved him, I was never going to stop, even with him pulling the trigger, and I wanted him to know that.

When he saw what I did, he quickly looked away, a low growl vibrating from his chest. His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were cold. I knew it right then he was going to do it, his rage was getting the best of him. When that happens theres no turning back.

I closed my eyes, as I tried to remember every moment we had.

Every kiss,

every touch,

every time we were on the floor dying of laughter next to each other,

and even the times we just laid there surrounded in each others silence.

How could he not truly love me after all of those breathtaking experiences we shared together?

I was averted back to reality, when I felt his fist hit right beside my face.

He was completely derailed. His eyes were fidgeting between me and that word as he cursed my name under his breath.

"Fuck it." was the last thing I heard him say before the gun went off


The bullets flew through the ceiling as he collapsed in my lap, broken laughs erupting out of him. I steadily opened my eyes, to see him grasping my body as if it was the only thing that was going to save him from his own defeated death.

My mind started to race as I peered down at his hunched over body, confusion taking over me.

Why didn't he kill me?

Every fiber in my body was positive he was going to. He made it so clear I was nothing but a burden to him.. so why is he breaking in front of me right now?

I gazed as he brought the barrel to his head. His face inches away from mine. An immense grin appeared on his face as he soaked in every inch of my appearance.

"I swear Harleen, you will be the fucking end of me." he groaned before squeezing the trigger.

I jumped as soon as I heard the click, a horrific feeling taking over my body.

The gun dropped as he collapsed against me.

Before I could even let a single tear out, I felt his hot breath against my neck..

-"You make me so fucking weak Harley.. and you know whats the problem? I can't find one fiber in my body that will allow me to kill you for it...." he cried out, his words burning against my skin.

-"You know what? Fuck you for every single thing you've done in my presence, because now I realize how goddamn valuable you are to me. Every aspect about you consumes me Harley and leaves me defenseless." The words started tumbling out, his voice becoming shakier and shakier as he grasped onto me harder.

There was so much emotion held behind every word, he was rapidly unraveling in front of me, and the sight was sending shocks through my body.

-"Don't ever leave are the only thing that adds light to my gloomy soul, without you I will diminish." He whispered this to me as if he didn't want anyone else but me to hear.

My mind was spinning as he grabbed ahold of my face and kissed my lips. This time I could truly feel the intense love and passion he had tried to push aside all of these years.

He practically was giving his whole self to me, and I couldn't be more happy.


*He finally broke down in front of her about his feelings!! I thought it would be very important to include this scene in my story. I do believe the Joker loves Harley, but has a hard time processing emotions so he results to anger and violence because that's natural for him. Caring and loving someone isn't, but he can't fight off those feelings for her and it's driving him crazy, so he finally reaches his breaking point. Oh and if you are confused of what Harley's gun looks like I put a picture up at the top of it and I added a YouTube video, it fits with this chapter so good! (: OH and one other thing, the gun didn't have a bullet in it, that's why it clicked when he pulled the trigger on himself. Just to clear up any confusion! hope y'all enjoy!

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