Ch 2~ Waiting

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I must've gotten so wrapped into my thoughts that I lost consciousness of my surroundings.

As I focus back into reality I feel something tight around my arms, legs, and forehead.

-"You dozed off again, but don't worry we are here to help you stop that."

As my brain pieced together every word I realized it was the cringing voice of Marky.


Before I could get a reply I felt a sharp pain in my neck. Medicine.

Well that's what they like to call it but it's not curing anything. All it does is give me a pounding headache and makes my mind go blank. Blank... Wait that's what they want..

They want the voices to stop. I remember when I was so wrapped up in being my old idea of normal, I hated the voices. But when Mr J isn't around they are all I have.

-"Harleen stop screaming or we are gonna have to treat you again!"

As I heard the loud piercing noise of someone's voice, I looked over to my right. Oh, it was just the usual freakishly tall lady with her small dainty glasses.

She always makes me laugh whenever I see her, her glasses make her eyes look so much bigger than they really are.

-"Calm down doc, you should be used to this by now."

I laugh as I move my arm to grab her glasses, but realize I can't because I'm tied down like some lab rat.

I cannot wait to get out of here and for my puddin to come save me.

I'm guessing big eyed lady ignored my comment so I decided to add on.

-"Ya know, you better get on my good side because when Mr J comes he's not gonna show up with a box of chocolates lady."

She's probably used to me saying this since I tell her every time I get "treated" but I do mean it. Puddin can be vicious sometimes. If he dosent like you, it's no problem for him to end you.

-"Well I don't believe your accusation Harleen, but how can I get on your good side?"

She said that in such a non enthusiastic way but I decided to allow her to attempt to be my friend.

-"For starters, the names Harley. I have no idea who Harleen is. Also, I would really like to try on your glasses misses." I watched her eyes become filled with confusion at my last request.

-"Well, I like Harleen better since it is your REAL name and these glasses are mine, so no touching them."

Ugh. I really do hate her.

-"Dosent seem like I can touch them if I wanted to anyways.. So looks like you have it worked out for you." I made sure to give her the fakest smile possible as I shifted my eyes to the leather belts firmly holding my body against the cold steel chair behind me.

-"Guards, I've had enough of her for today."

That's the last I heard before feeling a blow to my head. Bam. Blackness.

~ a couple hours later~

I suddenly feel a rush of pain towards my right temple as I awake. They did it again.

Usually when the bug eyed lady isn't in the friendliest mood (which is like all the time) she likes to get her guards to knock me upside the head. Don't ask me why, but if I could tell you.. My explanation would be that they're just douchebags.

As I look around I see the familiar grey bars surround me. Well at least this time I woke up in my cage.

Sometimes I'll wake up in a cemented wall room with guards surrounding me. If I'm in a gitty mood I'll play with them a little bit.. Most of the time I'll try to mimic my puddins laugh.. That gets the newbie guards scared. They look at me like most look at me and Mr J, like we have completely lost our minds.

I like that feeling though, because it's the furthest thing away from what my old self, Harleen ever experienced. I never want to be like her again. Ever.

I began to notice the voices have hushed down. I didn't hear them whispering my deepest desires, but I did hear the unfamiliar sound of buzzing up under my tiny mattress.


When I entered this wretched place I hid my phone in my bra and luckily I had newbie guards "escort" me to my cage, and they didn't do the proper pat down... I don't know why.. maybe they thought my breasts were lethal too.

Like really? You work in a secret government confinement place and you're afraid of a girls breasts? Pretty funny to me.

Well anyways, ever since my first day here I've checked and waited for my Puddin to text me and now he finally has!

As I reach up under my mattress I see the light of the phone reflect off my hand. As I frantically look down the words consume me with hope.

"don't worry sweets, daddy's coming to get you."


•end of chapter ✌️so I decided to use the same setting as on suicide squad to help visually imagine where she's at. But I changed it up to where there is no suicide squad in the midst. So basically it takes a drastic turn as if it was Harley and the jokers movie/story.

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