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"Jayde are you okay?" I wake up to Shannon standing over me, she looks really worried. I look around and see I'm in a hospital bed.

"What- what happened?" I manage to whisper. The last thing I remember is hearing violets screams.

"I don't know for sure what happened, I found you laying on the hotel room floor." Shan says sadly.

"Violet?!" I ask, panicking. I try to sit up but I can't, the world is spinning and I feel like I'm going to be sick.

"Jayde lay down, you need to take it easy, you've lost a lot of blood."

"Where's my baby girl?" I cry.

"The police are looking for her now, they think Gab has taken her, they checked the cctv cameras and they show him entering your hotel room but it doesn't show him leaving. I think he attacked you Jayde and took violet." She says. My heart beat feels like it's about to completely stop. I hate this man so much, first he takes Justin away from me, then he nearly kills me and takes my daughter.

"Please find her" I cry to the police officer standing at the end of my bed.

"My team are doing the best they can" he says, trying to reassure me but it doesn't at all.

I close my eyes and cry loudly, holding my stomach. Shannon holds my hand tightly.

I want Justin.

Life On The Road (Sequel To Saved By Trouble) - Justin Bieber - Completed Where stories live. Discover now