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Justin's PoV:

When I get out of here I'm going to kill gab with my bare hands. I don't understand how I've ended up back in here, he's the one who should be locked up, not me.

"Excuse me, can I have my phone call now?"
I shout to the officers standing outside my door, I know they're there because I can hear them breathing.

"Yeah" I hear one say, he unlocked my bars and handcuffs me.

"Is this really needed?" I ask, rolling my eyes dramatically.

"Yes" he says, sounding bored. I really don't blame him, this place is boredom city.

"Hello?" Jayde finally answers after a few rings. God it's good to hear her voice, I've been worried sick about her.

"Baby it's Justin, I'm okay princess, how're you holding up?." I ask.

"Oh Justin" she cries. It breaks my heart hearing her this upset, I can't even give her a cuddle and tell her everything is going to be okay. "Gab has violet" she weeps, she sounds like she's been crying for hours.

"What? How!" I ask, my fists are clenched, I've never been so angry in my entire life. Being in prison for 10 years has brought out my violent side, I can control it well but right now I'm ready to take someone's fucking head off. 

"H- he attacked me and when I was out cold he took her" she breaks down. I slam my fist into the wall, leaving a massive crack but I don't care, it will be Gabs face when I get my hands on him.

"Justin?" She asks, sounding worried.

"Yes baby I'm here, are you hurt?" I say, trying to calm down, I don't want her worrying about me even more. "You aren't alone are you?" I ask.

"No the doctors helped me, I'm okay now. Shan is with me, I'm staying with her." She sniffles.

"Good. Please don't worry, I'm going to get out of here and we're going to find our baby girl, okay?" I don't believe it myself but I need her to have faith. When I got her away from Gab I honestly thought it would be the end, but it's only gotten worse.

"Okay." She sighs. "I love you Justin."

"I love you too Jayde. You're my world. I'm coming home okay? Just get some sleep."

"Night Prince Charming." She says sadly.

"Night my beautiful angel."

Life On The Road (Sequel To Saved By Trouble) - Justin Bieber - Completed Where stories live. Discover now