Chapter 1

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I sat on the porch with a tall glass of lemonade in my left hand and my phone in the other. I scrolled down my messages, seeing if anyone interesting was texting me. All I saw was texts from dudes I met at a party a few days ago, a text from my sister, and a text from my mom telling me to get my ass in the house because I had chores. I sucked my teeth loudly and walked inside.  When I opened the door, mom was sitting on the couch watching "Wheel of Fortune" and folding clothes, she was sweating. I don't know why she didn't turn on the A/C in this heat; it is too damn hot. I walked to the thermostat and turned it to the coolest temperature.

"Shit it's hot," I murmured.

"Watch your mouth, Taylor," Mom yelled from the couch.

 I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen to wash dishes. I put on an apron to keep my clothes from getting wet and tied my hair into a messy bun. As soon as I finished putting up the last dish, my phone started ringing. I jumped to my phone and saw it was Trey. I smiled to myself.

"Wassup honey," I said smiling through my words.

"Nothing just about to get dressed, you know it starts at 5 right?" he said.

"Duh, this is the biggest party of the summer. How I could I forget," I shook my head at him.

" I don't know, I just know how you are sometimes if you know what I mean," 

"Whatever. Do you mind if I come over now? I'm bored and I need to leave before I say some shit to my mom that I don't mean and end up fucking up tonight," I said regretting asking him that. 

" Ummm yeah, come on. I'm the only guy; she'd trust you with anyway,"

"Oh ok," 

"So yea, come on over. I got a surprise for you too,"

 "Man, I hate surprises," 

"Well, this is a good one. I promise you'll love it,"

"Whatever you say, Trey. I'm coming in a minute, let my talk to mommy real quick," 

"Ok bye" 

I hung up swiftly and put my phone in my back pocket. Preparing my thoughts to think how I was going to ask mom if I could go chill with my male best friend alone at his house.  This will be interesting... 


I hung up the phone and laid it on my bed.  I put out a towel, lotion, and hair products on the counter for Taylor when she got here. Then, I walked to the closet to find something to wear tonight and decided to wear a white YSL t-shirt, cargos, and my Concords. I finished it off with a black watch and diamond earrings. I put on some cologne and looked in the mirror one last time making sure everything looked right and I heard the doorbell ring. I opened it to see Taylor wearing black biker shorts, a tank top, and a big ass bag in her hands.

"You trying to move in Tay? Damn..." I exclaimed and let her in.

She just laughed and walked upstairs to my bedroom.

"Why is your room so dirty, Trey? Like for real the floor is covered with clothes, was this my damn surprise?" she yelled.

"Yes, yes it was," I said laughing.

"This sucks," she said poking her lip out.

"I don't like to clean up and honestly it's not that dirty,"

"Mmmm ok, she said, I'm going to jump in the shower,"

"Towels, lotion, shampoo and conditioner, and oil is in there for you already," I said and picked up my phone to play Temple Run and then call this chick named Erin. 

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