Chapter 1: Amateur Level

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Fists, swords, knives, guns...I couldn't think much but to search for more weapons. The day was getting darker by the minute and the environment filled itself with distant screams and the scooting sounds of rustling dead leaves.

I held my breath as I crumpled my way through the thick forest, avoiding as many zekes I could possibly  stumble onto. Another one here, one more there...
Camp was super far away from the city. If I had a wiser brain I could've made one nearby but anxiety was a being a bitch so I disagreed to my ideas.

A zeke pulled up front, making me instantly hide behind a huge rock, my only cover that separated me and the walking corpse. I unsheathed a small knife and crept behind it, slitting its throat silently before moving on. I had the skills, the basics that I've learnt on my own for the past fifteen years.

They had evolved a lot, but I didn't say they became stronger. Much likely, they were weakening themselves, as if, they had no choice left but to wander around and look for food every single day. Same goes to me, but I build camps,survive and spray paint on walls for the remaining survivors, not growl and eat people.

A few steps ahead I could already get a sight of my camp, judging from the minuscule river that flowed from it. Water was essential, but I couldn't guarantee the safety of drinking that one. Arriving at the camp, I went into the tent to grab some bear traps before laying them in a circumference around the area. I always had to be cautious, rule number two.

After about five to six bear traps set, I settled myself down in the tent, pulling out a chocolate bar for dinner. Nothing was more better than finding supplies from local stores in the city, you just have to know where to go and what to do.

I grabbed my journal and recorded the day of survival. Day number seventeen, Los Angeles border (sort of). It was clear Los Angeles now looked like a jungle. The buildings were rusted and almost everything was forged burnt after a climate of war and infection.

I then picked up my radio and began searching for the right frequency. Well, there was only one working channel so, it wasn't that difficult. A repetition of the same message that came a few months ago still kept playing, the same threatening message by the scientists.

"The cure needs the blood of the Septic. If in any cases, you have found a similar individual, please immediately report to the nearest coalition forces and send via protected cargo to Sector Zero Industries."

I turned off the radio, not wanting to hear anymore of the bullshit. I reached for another chocolate bar before going to sleep and trying to survive another night. Hopefully those zekes find their way into the bear traps or if I'm lucky enough, which may not happen, a deer might get caught instead.


I woke up to the new daylight after being tortured with the low temperature. I held the blade of my knife, it was cold as ice. It was a new week and it was time to move.

I went out of my tent to check on the bear traps for any suspicious activity. One zeke managed to get its foot off the trap somehow. I could see the blubber pouring out of the cut body part.

"Fuck, that's disgusting." I mumbled under my breath.

I jogged to the other bear traps and found nothing except the pile of leaves I concealed them with. The sun was picking up so I had to leave as early as possible. I went back to my camp and started packing everything up. I rolled back the tent, kicked the fireplace and took all the supplies into my backpack.

Then, I started the trekking, finding a new place, probably a building or another forest. Life in this world was cruel, we have to keep going or we'll get stuck in the wrong direction forever.

I kept my venture towards south, taking paths which enabled me to move without stumbling into a horde of zekes. I even took short stops in between some buildings to find supplies. All I found was more chocolate and a set of batteries for my radio, no weapons.

I had to think about getting weapons for my line of defense. I couldn't just rely on my small knife everyday. It was getting blunt and the knife's range is only arm width. I couldn't swing it nor even throw it. It was not compact enough.

Now this was the hard part. Rule number three, pick the right decision. If I spend more time finding some sort of weapon, I might lose daylight and end up walking in the dark, which, I do not want to. The buildings here in Los Angeles are crawling with zekes so taking refuge for a night isn't going to work. However, if I can get a weapon, it would be even easier to kill zekes without having to go up behind their backs and risk my life. Yet, I'm not even sure if I could find one.

Everything was going all over my mind. I took a kneel down before taking the best option I thought. I should find a weapon.

I remembered there was a small group of men which I manage to kill two days before. I didn't get to loot them since there were too many zekes trying to eat me but I knew they brought guns.

Fuck it, Walmart here I come...

Heyo laddies! What do you think about Jack's decision? Leave it in the comments down below if he should've go on...
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