Chapter 29 : Going Through

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It was clear that our sector was taking this with all its might. Every men of Wade's were dispatched towards the bridge, bringing weapons that would probably dominate our victory over the foe army that was waiting for us.

Somehow they've gotten news that we were on the way and they've also joined forces with every clan out there. Half of the marauders population even came in,preparing for our emergence. This cure was going to be the world changer and everyone had their eyes on us. The zekes from the outskirts were also moving towards the bridge and the ones that were already there had started mauling behind the huge fence.

"Over." Marzia said into her walkie talkie before turning at us, "Guys I got a report that the scouts were killed near the bridge. Our convoys are closing in so be prepared."

"Shit Mark, all this for a simple cure?" I began as Mark readied the gun on his lap.

"Yeah and there's going to be hundreds of crazies coming at us after this. Make sure your weapon is checked, we don't want a jammed rifle to be fucking us up." Mark replied. I could see the front convoys pulling up to a stop before hearing gunfire being casted in our direction.

"Fuck! Get down!" Mark yelled as a spray of bullets went through the windshield. I bent down and felt the pieces of glass shatter and hit my head.

Mark grunted and opened his door, toppling down over his back as he got to cover. I did the same thing but my shoe got tangled up in between the seat belt. Fuck, really Sean, right now?

I turned my body around and saw a hunter running towards me with a machete. The same scene that happened back in Sector Six, but with having me stuck and unable to escape.

I grabbed my handgun just in time and shot it in the head as it fell onto its side. I tried once again in wriggling my leg until I finally managed to break free. I then got back on my feet and ran beside Mark, assisting him and the rest of Wade's men in the fight.

"Jack! Mark!" Marzia screamed from within the car. She was still inside? Goddamnit how did I not notice?

"Fuck, I'm gonna go get Marzia, give me cover fire Mark." I said, running towards the car while Mark shot the hunters that aimed at me.

I opened Marzia's door and grabbed her hand as I pulled her out. She held her weapon and released a few shots at the opposite direction, killing only a few of them.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain pass through my arm. I stopped for a second before continuing my run towards Mark. I winced and watched as blood started to paint my shirt.

"Shit you're hit Jack." Mark said as he held my arm. I quickly repelled it from him for I couldn't stand the agony.

"Ow! J-Just keep shooting, I'll be fine." I replied but Mark didn't agree. He pulled out roll of gauze tape and started to wrap the open wound.

"You're gonna be fine Jack, does it hurt?"

Behind all the shooting, my ears were only focused onto his words. The way he cared for me so much was way more than just being with him. His orange hair showed me how brave he was and his muscles just added a trait that he was strong as well. I could see his scared expression in losing me as he continued to treat my wound, despite all of the battle that was happening, he's using all the time he had left on me.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, thanks." I replied as I gave him a smile.

"What the hell are you two doing!" Wade yelled, "Go now! You're suppose to plant the bomb remember?"

My eyes widened, I totally forgot. Luckily the blueprint was in my pocket so I didn't have to worry much about losing it. Mark then grabbed the bomb case and held my hand as we both made a run for the underparts of the bridge.

I shot a few zekes that roamed in our path. The bridge had these huge metal planks under it where we could walk on but they looked rusted. It was quite unstable but this was the only way, it's do or die.

"I'll go first, you watch my back." I said towards Mark as I made the first few steps. It wasn't much of a challenge, considering I was light weighted but what about Mark?

"Be careful Mark, toss me the case." I said as he threw the bomb case at me. Above, dust kept falling onto our hair. Explosions were coming off every few minutes.

We kept going until we reached the middle part of the bridge. Mark pulled out his walkie talkie and began calling Wade.

"Wade come in, come in Wade.Over." He said as we both waited for an answer. Static filled the gaps of silence until Wade replied.

"Copy that, have you set up the bomb, over?"

"Not yet, we're rigging it up right now, over." Mark replied.

I was getting really annoyed to the consecutive 'overs' that went after every sentence but I guess that's what the military does right?

Mark then grabbed the suitcase from me and unlocked its contents. A green block appeared when he flipped the case open which had a tag that had 'High-End-C4-Type Aplha 7' on it.

At first I thought, what a fancy name. Surely this was the deadliest bomb ever made right?

Mark then placed the bomb under the surface of the bridge, setting pass codes that looked unfamiliar to me.

Beep, beep, beep.

"How do you know these kind of things?" I asked, watching his triceps contract with every movement.

"Most of my missions back then were setting up bombs in households for traps. This piece right here is triple the explosive power from the ones I usually use." He said before holding up his rifle, "Get to the ladder quick."

I turned right and saw a small ladder that led up to a hole through the bridge. Slowly and carefully Mark climbed it first before I followed up behind him. It felt like and earthquake was happening at the very moment because the entire bridge kept shaking with every explosion that was made on the top half. Seriously how many more until it dies out?

Just as expected, we stumbled across the horde of zekes that stood in our way. Wade's men were on the other side putting gunfire as a distraction.

"Wade, do you read, over?" Mark asked once again. I could hear the echoes of bullets flinging off the metal bars of the bridge, it was chaos.

"I read you Mark, bomb is set, prepare for the run in three, two, one."

Suddenly a guided missile plundered over the side of the bridge, rocking the whole construction as we ran towards the entrance. Mark held my hand as we came closer and closer to the gate until...

It happened...

At that very second, my life was torn apart, as if my heart was literally ripped out of my chest. No, this can't be happening, this can't be real.

Maybe I should leave this one for awhile...
The last chapter will be out soon by today :)
Hold on to your seats..

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