Chapter 12 : Fall

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Small a/n : Before we start off I would like to thank you EdgySans12 for the wonderful fan art of Septic Blood, thank you so much. You guys can check it out in my book of randoms ;)


Time, focus and movement. The sixth rule that I lived on until this day. We were driving towards our destination, our minds fallen into the dreams of the world. I was scared straight, not because of the mission but because of Mark's safety. What if he gets caught up again? Will I have enough time to save him?

The sun was still on it's dawn stage, the red and orange streaks of light blended across the dead fields of the outside world. I held my gun, I was sitting in the front seat and Robert kept his hands on the wheel. Mark, Matthias and Ken were readying up their weapons, the sound of bullets clashed into the magazines.

"ETA thirty seconds. Do this quick and with swift." Robert began, pulling the car behind this old building.

We both got off the car, zekes were walking towards us but their steps were very short and slow, we took them down with our melee weapons easily.

"The area is around there." Mark said, pointing out to a few buildings ahead of us. "It must be some kind of shopping store?"

We were all dazzled to his statement but it could've been right. Without wasting anymore time we started with the mission.

On our right was where Robert took watch, becoming the eagle of the team with his sniper rifle. He jogged into this old apartment and soon made his way up to the highest floor.

Ken and Mark took off in the other direction while me and Felix rounded the area for the escape route. At that point it was only me and Felix.

Felix turned our direction into this small alleyway that had fences covering the side of our block.

"We have to get across." Felix said as he took out a small pair of clippers. "This might get noisy, cover my back."

Soon he started cutting the fence that secured the alleyway as I stayed, watching his blind defense. The clips began making clinging sounds, forcing some of the zekes from the road to walk this way.

"Shit there onto us, quickly Felix, we don't have much time left." I whispered, watching some zekes pile up and forming a mini horde. I placed my gun against the wall beside me and took out my knife. The growls from the zekes became louder, calling in more of them. Most of them looked like constructors before, judging from the orange vest they wore. The innards of them dangled out of their body, sliding itself across the pavement.

There were two of them at the very front, allowing me to kill them with ease. I made my move, sliding the knife across the neck of the first one and then to the second one. The third came but this one was different.

It's eyes not there, an empty black space was between the corpse-like cheeks. It had this huge opening in the middle of its chest. I wanted to come close. I've never seen one like this before. I was feeling all hypnotized, it was making me fall nauseous and dizzy.

"Sean!" Felix shouted, "Get down!"

My mind came back to reality, the zeke opened its mouth and I got down quick. It started to scream so loud, as if an air horn was built in its throat. Holy shit!

Septic Blood (Septiplier Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz