Chapter 3 : Blood and Eye

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As soon as the day reached its peak, it was surprisingly dark as hell,just as I expected. The street lights were useless during the apocalypse, yet I'm not even sure if there was power around the area. I was literally walking nowhere.

I needed to find a place so I took out a matchstick and lit it up. I had the moon light to assist me in my tracks but my vision was limited to only the road, not the forest beside it. My bike was making screeching sounds so I had to leave it behind. My life stands on the shotgun and my pocket knife. A little bit of cardio was also helping strengthen my spirits to keep walking. But would I make it?

Suddenly, I heard a furious growl. One that came from my left side, possibly from the forest. I stayed as low as I could, reloading the shotgun barrel with the few bullets I have. I didn't want to make it worse because a shotgun was basically a party inviter. Yes, shooting to protect myself will keep me alive but I was definitely sure more of them would hear the gunfire.

The growl was then accompanied by another and the distant cackling of teeth. It was horrifying to imagine what they looked like at night, it was obviously something that everyone has to keep in mind of in order to survive.

Then, I saw a small building that rested itself up ahead. It looked like a cabin, one made of wood. Whether I want to keep going or not, it was best I stay under a roof for a night.

It was quite far away but I had to do it. I crouched down and began walking towards it, readying my pocket knife in hand and the shotgun (hopefully I don't use either one of them.)

The cabin looked empty, it seemed like it was just being built and that the owners didn't manage to complete it. There was this huge opening through the wall, probably by a bomb. But the stairs that led up was intact and I could see a single sofa on the top floor. I made my way in and a zeke appeared out of nowhere as it plunged on top of me. Fuck.

I held my pocket knife and stabbed the creature on the forehead, it's tongue dangled out of it mouth. The saliva was dark, pouring down on my face. The blood was just disgusting to feel too. Once the zeke stopped moving, I pushed it aside as I got back up.

I then climbed the stairs to where the sofa was and placed my bag on it. Luckily, I found a tin can on the floor so I placed that right in front of the stairs, just in case a zeke comes out at night after me, I'd have the alarm for cover.

The floor cascaded itself to the beyond air, like it was half split between the cabin wall. It was exposed to the night atmosphere, but the stars were an amazing sight to watch. I didn't need a telescope, because the skies were just clear enough.

I grabbed a chocolate out of my bag and began munching a quarter of it, saving the rest for tomorrow. I needed to eat something even better, maybe vegetables perhaps. I then laid my self down on the cold wooden floor and closed my eyes, not wanting to dream, but to stay alert at all times. Rule number five, always keep your eyes,ears and nose peeled, you'll never know what's coming.


I woke up to the sound of cars that passed by the side of the cabin through the road. I inhaled deeply before packing my bags and concealing myself behind a broken window. I saw them, hunters, men who come to kill people for no reason. There was one who looked the size of a potato and another kinda like a Kentucky person. There was also this Canadian looking guy (if my eyes were good) and one huge muscle jock with orange dyed hair. They carried sick guns, weapons that I wanted but couldn't get to them.

I had to run. There was no way I could fight against this group of people.

"Fuck Felix do you always have to be like this?" The Canadian guy yelled. Oh Felix? Alright, that ones Felix.

"Shut up Robert.You can't even kill your own bait." Robert now eh? Okay, the Canadian one was Robert.

"You two get a grip. Search the area." Said the Kentucky guy. Come on, what was his name.

"Ken, I can handle this." The muscle jock replied. Now I had Felix, Robert and Ken. Who was the fourth one?

I still wanted to know but there was not much time left. Suddenly a few zekes popped out from the forest and began attacking them. They took out their guns and shot them down like flies.

"Holy fuck, those weapons are on point." I whispered to myself. I then strapped my bag on and quietly went down the stairs, jumping over to the grass ground silently. I had the ninja skills.

There was no way I could keep walking alongside the road so I went through the forest. I could hear more gunfire being released but they disappeared after I got to a lake. Thirst was killing me so I had to drink something.

I stared down at the lake, my right eye was bloodshot. It was septic, to be precise. Now for the little science project. I had to make sure the water was clean, how? I just need to drop a little bit of my blood and see what happens. Usually, the blood fades if the water was infected, it floats when it's not.

I held the pocket knife with my other hand and cut my finger slightly, allowing the blood to drip down onto the lake. It stayed afloat, clean water indeed.

I took a handful of water and started drinking it, cold and refreshing. I didn't have a bottle with me so I drank as much as possible and then straight away treated my finger. I've done it a lot of times, so I was basically fine no matter what.

I streamed some water over my arms and face, washing my body as I go. Once everything was done it was time to move on. I held my backpack and carried it over my back, almost falling at first but then I got the hang of it. The shotgun was too heavy so I decided to hold it.

I wanted to go back onto the roadside but I was still unsure if that group of men left already or not, it was worth a shot though.

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And share if you think other Septiplier fans out there should read this.
*hugs and kisses*

Q: So did you guys think taking the shotgun in the first place was worth it?

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