Chapter 22: Project Blue

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"Hey wake up, wake up both of you!"

I could hear muffling voices of a man trying to get us on our feet. The cold pavement was freezing my legs and I could only depend on Mark's arms over my shoulders, blanketing me from the low temperatures.

"Don't you hear me? Fucking wake up!"

Me and Mark both stood up slowly, our bodies were tempted to fall back down again. As soon as Mark started to walk, he immediately stumbled over me, clinging onto my shoulders as he slid off my sides.

"F-fuck Jack, I feel so weak." Mark murmured, I could only help him get back up. I placed my arm under Mark as I escorted him behind the man, coming towards the outskirts of the world.

"Me too Mark, I guess it was that blue shitty fluid they injected in us." I replied, grunting below his heavy body. Mark heaved a sigh, trying to walk on his own. I watched him stay strong, his legs were barely straight and his back arched a bit forwards.

The man continued to call out to us. We followed him into this huge room that had a very long table and papers that laid halfway across. It was the same indentation just like the blueprints we've found before.

A few men came out, bringing us clothes to wear but they didn't look like the normality that we usually put on everyday. I began to realize that they gave us suits, patched in heavy armor and holsters that could fit the biggest weapon.

"What the fuck is this? We're working for you now?" I stated, watching every men move and stand stiffly at certain positions in the room.

Mark placed the armor on the table and reached for mines as I handed it to him. Suddenly, this one person came out, the same one with the shades and obnoxious tattoos on his arms. The one who put both me and Mark in that dark cold torture house.

He was skipping joyfully like a kid, twirling his gun in the air with each leap he made. I could see the terrifying aspect of him, as if he were created to join the Zekes in the apocalyptic world until he came up to us and started saying things I didn't know.

"Hello hello hello, Septics. Looks like you are the last ones in this region, no, not region, the entire world!" He shouted in excitement causing me to flinch back a little. In a second, he became serious, eyeing at both me and Mark.

"You both are going to work for us, whether you like it or not."

In his pocket, I could see a small part of the same blue tube he used over us. He tried to reach for it until I stopped him,

"We get you...what do you need."

He grinned a smile and patted my shoulder, nudging his head over to one of his men who brought us a few guns. It piled on top of one another, filling the table with weapons we could try with.

"We need the cure." He whispered into my ear. "And only you boys can do it.  Also, call me Wade."

Wade? Was this the guy Wiishu was talking about?

Mark raised a brow, unsure of what we were talking about. Wade then slapped the table with his palm, sending shakes to the small hill of weapons.

"Mark, Jack, you are the only ones who are practically immune from the infection. It is my job from sector zero to bring you both in and create the medicine." He paused, lighting up a cigarette, "But sector zero is a cruel place, completed with every clan and evolution of Zekes that you may find beyond the outskirts of the apocalypse."

I could hear Wade loud and clear. As for Mark, he was busy flustering with the weapons, sheathing everything he could fit on.

"Why us? Why not bring in the other Septics?" Mark asked a bit further. It was clear he wasn't into this mission.

"We did." a voice came out, I was surprised, Wiishu? And she was in a doctor's suit?

"We've brought in a few, but guess what? They died too easily because their genetic coding is not the same as yours. We injected the pathogen into you and none of you showed any signs of infection. Now we have the two last men of the Septics and it's going to be of course, your turn." She winked and walked towards Wade, caressing his hair with her fingers.

"You fake bitch, where's Marzia and Ken!" I yelled whilst trying to plunge onto her. Mark held me back, guns were aiming at me from every direction.

"Easy Jack." Mark started.

It was stupid to actually think that this whole time, this whole kind of 'drama' was actually curated by a girl with the name Signe Hansen. She knew we were coming, she took the chance for credit over her best friend Marzia. I could see her eyes glooming a spark of dark sincerity and mercy on our shoulders, though I do know every bit I've spent with her meant nothing but being a fool.

"Next time you can roll up your shit mouth and fold it up Wade's ass you fucking liar. Now where the fuck are they!" I continued to shout, pushing myself harder against Mark's grip. "Let me go Mark!"

"No, stop, stop. You'll make things worse Jack." He pleaded out but I couldn't stand looking at her. I wanted to see if Marzia and Ken were fine, "They might kill them."

Mark kept my back against his chest, my feet trying to kick myself free. I could see his veins pop out, trying at its hardest. I watched as Wiishu pulled out a controller and turned on a small monitor right next to her. The screen flashed, showing me and Mark, Marzia on the left side and Ken on the right side.

I saw them, Marzia was bounded in a room and Ken looked entirely different. He was monstrous, his teeth dangled from beneath his jaw and his eyes were bloodshot. Mark slowly let me go as I planted my eyes on the screen, watching Ken move about in weird circles while scratching the walls.

"He's one of them Jack, it's too late." Wade bellowed under his breath.

"No, this is all my fault, this is" I whined while Mark wrapped his arms around me as he kissed my cheek. "I should've known."

"It's not your fault, you've done your best, it's time we actually save the rest of the world." Mark said as the embrace got a tad bit tighter. I felt my skin warm up against his hug, my heart slowing down, allowing me to separate my negative feelings away.

On the other hand I heard Wade pull out a walkie talkie, ordering his men,

"Commence Project Blue, I repeat, commence Project Blue."

Oh Ken...I'm so sorry...

So thank you guys! If you liked this book, Comment anything down below and punch that star button in da face, like a boss! *share it all around*, wapsh wapsh...
And I thank you readers and I'll see all you the next chapter!

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