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Los Angeles, two months after Mark's death...

Listening to Mark's voice was something I really missed a lot. To hold him in a tight embrace and watch the stars at night. From the day we met Mark had been the nicest person there was and all of that disappeared after my final mission.

I stood at the porch before turning on the radio, the daily warning messages were no longer there.

"It has been confirmed that the Septic Cure is now being dispatched throughout the entire globe. Local researches say this cure would not have been found if it weren't for Sean William McLoughlin and his partner Mark Edward Fischbach. The army corps are also being sent off to many districts including the south and west region in fending off the last few of the undead and this has been proven to be effective."

The cure had already been sent to every country and people were starting to get better. America is also rebuilding its state and the zekes just died off due to starvation. I didn't know that it was going to be that quick.

We didn't put up a big celebration or anything like that, I just went so silent for the past few weeks. Marzia had tried convincing me to try talking about it to her but I didn't say anything.

It was of course Mark's birthday today and he could've been 28 but I knew it was never going to happen. I walked over to Mark's grave, the same place where we buried Lilly along with Ken. There stood his name, engraved into the bark of the tree.

Marzia then walked over to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder as she whispered,

"Mark left something for you and um...he told me to hold onto it first until it was his birthday."

Marzia then gave me a small letter that had Mark's handwriting on it, small black patches of ink told me he was a clumsy writer.

"Hi Jack it's me Mark. If you're reading this then, that means I'm gone. I'm sorry if I've done all those bad shit towards you and didn't care for you that much, I know how you feel right now but you'll have to forget about it and move on. There's so many things in life for you to venture out to and I don't want my death to stop you from doing that. It's been so long since I was so happy but having you with me, made it even more better than it used to be. Just know that you'll always remember me in your heart and that I'll always be with you. You've made me the most happiest man in the world and I could only give you an infinite amount of thank you's for doing that. So be who you are, make the rest of your life worthwhile and...I love you...so much...Jackaboy."


With that everything came to an end. The Septic Blood was the start of a new story and Mark had helped me from start to finish. I've changed so much and that was all thanks to Mark.

I then brought the paper towards my lips, giving it a good kiss before saying,

"I love you too Markimoo."


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