Chapter 6 : Newcomers

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Me and Lilly were forced into this black jeep that was plated in armor. I was in the front and Lilly was at the back. We drove off away from the scene, hunters and men fighting which I suspect had ended already.

I was alone with Lilly and this guy who saved me. I was eager to know what his name was, but my mind just said 'hold it back, don't fall for another trap Jack.' Then, instead of me starting the conversation, he did it - with a deep manly voice I didn't expect.

"So what's your name?"

I tried to avoid eye contact but his body was too fucking gorgeous to be absent from my vision. I swallowed, trying hard not to make things awkward.

"Jack," I paused, "I mean, Sean. Sean William McLoughlin but you can call me Jack anyways."

"Sean will be my take and who's that, your daughter?" He asked once again as he eyed at Lilly.

The roads were decimated, the whole ground beside it was deserted. I turned around to face Lilly and smiled at her as she gave me a cute little wave.

"That's Lilly, found her when I came into those hunters back there."

He looked at me once again, "I'm Mark, and call me Mark."

Mark took off his glasses and glanced at Lilly, adjusting through the rear mirror. His arm was insanely huge, tough and bigger than mines. I gulped, trying to hold myself within. Fuck.

"You know you could've got killed back there. You're lucky we traced you with the cams we had set up around that Sector." Mark continued as he held the steering, I could see his chest moving with every breath he took.

"Cams? You were following me?" I asked, this didn't feel right.

"Alright here's the deal Sean. Once you're in our compound you're going to follow every order and instruction that I give, you got that?"

Rule number one Jack, remember rule number one. Are you going to waste your life just because a man saved you?

"There's no way I'm following shit." I refused. Mark pulled out a blade and placed it on my lap.

He looked at me and I noticed that his left eye was the same color as mine. I realized that Mark was one of me, a Septic. My mind was all around, why was he with those guys?

"You see that blade? It's blunt and if you're not going to do what I say, you're on your own. Believe me or not you're not the first one to say this. There were others who had the same character as you but they just fed themselves to the zekes. I'm bringing you in, rules are rules, it's simple."

"What if I still get away?" I added as he smiled. He turned to face the road as he held a gun and waved it in the air.

"Well, my boys are going to hunt you down and hmm...I don't know? Sell your body parts? We could really use the money to upgrade our camp."

At first, Mark was absolutely hot but his ego was just too high. I didn't like the way he acted, yet I was pretty sure he was serious.

"Fine, I'll do what you say but on one condition. You keep Lilly safe, I won't go easy on you because I'm a hard man to tame Mark." I said, grabbing the blade and throwing it out the window. I held my shotgun and shot a wandering zeke on the side of the road. It laid on the ground, blood sprayed across the wheat field.

He chuckled at me, "We'll both see Sean, we'll both see."


We arrived upon this huge gate, one that looked similar to the one I'd stumble onto before. There was a guard who wore a black kevlar vest and had a rifle in his hands. He walked over to our car and had a short chat with Mark.

"Who's this green boy right here? Oh look, you brought us a kid too? Perfect Mark, that's perfect." He said pointing to both me and Lilly.

"They're both code ninety-six." Mark replied, his orange dyed hair flicked towards my direction. "Let us in Matthias."

The guard, now by the name Matthias gave orders to raise the gate. Mark drove forward and went into the compound. It was not too crowded, there was a little hope of civilization that happened here. I scanned around the place to find people living like they were used to the area. A few children ran across Mark's car, almost getting hit by the bumper.

"Fucking kids, I told Marzia to hold them in the coffee shop." Mark muffled in dispute.

"A coffee shop?" I asked, confused to why they were taken care in a coffee shop.

Mark rolled his eyes and parked in front of a small building that looks like a police station. There were more guards in front of the entrance. One was definitely Ken, I could see the western look on him.

"The coffee shop is the best place that we could offer for the kids. It's where they get their education and your little friend is going to be one of them soon." Mark replied as he got off the car.

I held the handle and pushed the door open as I set my foot on the dusty ground. The place was almost completely covered dust and debris. It almost seemed like they had tons of wars here before.

I walked up behind Mark and held Lilly by the hand. He stopped right in front of the door and told me to leave Lilly with Marzia.

"What no!" I said, "Lilly's staying with me. There's no way you people can be trusted."

Mark turned around and bent on his knees. Our faces were close to each other. His brown right eye had a glimmer of safety and hope but it also had a little part of strictness too.

"What did I say Sean? Follow my orders. Now, I'll tell you this one more time and it'll be your last. Leave Lilly with Marzia and we'll start telling you what to do, alright?"

I had no dominance towards his words, he was practically the leader of the pack. I held Lilly's shoulders, her face was pale as snow.

"Lilly, Mr.Sean is going to work for awhile. You stay with Marzia okay? You'll meet so many new friends there with her. Trust me, you'll be safe." I said as I tried to fake a smile. I couldn't bear any of it, to leave a young girl with strangers who I just met? I was full of questions that needed to be answered.

Lilly nodded as she walked to the coffee shop with Ken while Mark brought me into the building. We turned around a small corner and entered a big room that had a huge table in the middle. There were other people, each with their own weapons. I could see Mark's as he grabbed an assault rifle and placed it on the table. I was the only bummer in the group, a pocket knife, a blunt blade and a shotgun with no more bullets.

"Who's the new boy Mark?" A man said. I was sure that was Robert. He had a lit cigarette in his mouth and piercings on his ear. I noticed he was holding a huge sniper rifle.

"I'm Sean." I blurted out. Robert had his eyes wide open. He spat the cigarette onto his palm and threw it at me.

"Did I ask you green fluff? Shut your mouth or I'll plant a bullet through your brain and make it grow like corn for the walking dead out there eh?"

"I'll make you fuck yourself in the arse and plant you instead!" I shouted in anger. I didn't want to be put down by a stupid man, even if he had sniper rifle.

"Oh you have bad manners Sean. I'll teach you a lesson when we get into the ring." Robert continued as he left the room. What ring was he talking about?

"That'll be your first defense training, in the ring." Mark said, tossing me a set of keys. "That's your room, second building, third floor. Get some rest, you'll have a qualifying test tomorrow."

Jack and Mark! Is it time already?
We'll see what happens in the next chapter!
*hugs and kisses*

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