Chapter 28 : The Plan

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Mark and I were packed up and ready to go. I grabbed a pair of black gloves and strapped them over my hands, holstering the shotgun over my back.

We both then climbed down the stairs as Mark held my hands, exiting through the front doors of the apartment. The whole world looked a lot less brighter today, for what it may seemed, air pollution from the explosions that we've made were clumping together in the sky, creating these black clouds that blocked the sun.

We then arrived at the office while Wade stood right at the front door talking to Wiishu.

"I thought you were supposed to be at the gate?" Mark asked as Wade replied with a sly finger, telling us to come in.

"We'll need a short briefing because I don't think this mission is going to turn out like we once planned." Wade said as he opened the door that led to the interiors of the building.

I walked in casually with my right foot first before being stopped by Wiishu. Her eyes reminded me of how we were both together back in the normal days but she just came at me as a distraction.

"Sean, how's you and Mark?" She whispered.

"What's your business about him?" I replied as I tried to get through but she kept holding back.

"I was just asking, do you actually trust him?" She continued, "No one can ever be trusted in this world."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, now put that into use. I couldn't even trust you a single bit. Mark knows what he's doing and we're both leaving after this whole mission is over now get the fuck out of my way."

I shoved her lightly, giving me a wide space to reach Mark's hand. I grabbed it and trailed up behind him.

"What's that all about with Signe?" Mark began, giving Wiishu a confused look.

"I don't know, she was just saying things-"

"What kind of things?" Mark interrupted.

I could tell Mark wanted to know so badly judging from his tone of voice that went from high to a sudden drop.

"It's nothing."

"Tell me Jack, I don't want Signe to get into your head."

"What do you mean get into my head? You think I'm in love with her huh? Is that it?"

"I'm just saying I don't want her to take you away from me, now cut the crap out and tell me what she said."

"She said I can't trust you! Okay? She said I can't believe in what you say but I know it's not true and that I do believe in you. Happy?"

"Satisfied." Mark replied sleekly.

I paused for awhile before pouting my lips. My eyes were widened due to this conflict and I could only stare at Wiishu for making me look like an idiot in front of my boyfriend. Mark glanced at Wiishu before continuing into the big room that had  Wade standing beside the long table.

On it laid a huge map and the final product of the blueprint module that Marzia solved last night. Wade picked up a pen and traced a line from our sector to this very long picture on the map.

"That's the bridge to Sector Zero and that's where you guys are going to set up the bomb. The plan is simple, we'll need the both of you to sneak under the bridge while we take out the bad guys on top. Once you reach the middle section of the bridge, you'll have to plant explosives under it just in case we get stuck in some sort of war there. After that comes the hard part." Wade explained as he let out a sigh.

"Our scouts found out that the front gate leading to sector Zero is crowded with hordes of Zekes. They're all of different origins so you might encounter some mutated ones. You'll have to run as fast you can towards the entrance while our men lure them off. This will help you get a clear pathway."

"What happens if we don't manage to go in time?" Mark asked as he crossed his arms.

"Then we're going to have to blow up the bridge down with you then. We can't risk the Zekes coming into the mainlands until the cure is made. It won't take you long, they only need your blood and then you're off. One of our scientists Matt will be waiting for you on the other side, don't startle him."

Wade then rolled up the blueprint and handed them over to me while saying, "This will need to be carried at all costs, bring it to Matt, it's your gene code. Mark, your gene codes are on it too so protect it or else there's no use of coming into sector Zero."

And with that it was going to be the start of our final mission, to alter the world once and for all. I never thought making the cure would be that easy, or was it?

"Mark, what are we going to do after everything ends?" I asked as we both walked towards the convoys.

"Well, we could hang out until the city is rebuilt or maybe we can think about being husbands for life." Mark chuckled causing me to emit a hard blush on my cheeks.

"Wow, you got that on mind quite early." I replied trying not to be awkward at the same time.

Marzia suddenly appeared right in front of us. Her whole attire was imitating the suit of Black Widow.

"Wait what are you doing?" Mark asked.

"I'm following you duh?" She answered before hopping into the car seat, "It's my mission too. Besides, who figured the jigsaw blueprint puzzle?"

Mark went into the driver seat while I sat on the other side, waiting for him to start the engine. Then, my mind started thinking about things. Things that made me want to tell Mark. I grew worried by the second, should we do this? This mission was going to be life-threatening and Mark had already taken a bullet before.

Mark looked at me as I fidget my fingers. He held my hands before asking if I was okay or not. I could see our bracelets entangling one another. The M on top and the J at the bottom.

"You alright?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine...let's do this."

Off to the next chappie you readers!

So thank you guys! If you liked this book, Comment anything down below and punch that star⭐️ button in da face, like a boss! *share it all around*, wapsh wapsh...
And I thank you readers and I'll see all you the next chapter!

*hugs and kisses*

Septic Blood (Septiplier Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora