Chapter 18: Same Attitude

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It started raining as I got off the car while Mark and Ken trailed behind me. Marzia was still talking to Wiishu, I could only hear muffles from afar. I got closer and soon, Wiishu's voice gave me the old memories that we usually did together, as friends. I could still remember the time she actually told everyone in college that I was her boyfriend. Sadly, I had to agree to it because other people took it deeply enough to make a gossip around the academy.

I was within walking distance, me and Wisshu were about to meet eye to eye, face to face, as friend or as foe. She was wearing glasses, one that looked almost similar to Mark's.

"And who are these people?" Wiishu asked Marzia, her eyes were blinking rapidly at me. She didn't remember me?

"What is your name green boy?" I didn't speak.

I was dazed, everything we did before faded just like dust. She turned her observation to Mark and Ken, acknowledging their names like she was used to it already.

"Mark Edward Fischbach and Ken something something..." She paused, "Thought you two were already dead!"

Mark rolled his eyes and hovered drifted to my side, holding my hands, allowing Wiishu to catch her attention on the both of us.

"We are not, dead Signe. This is Sean, you can call him Jack." Mark said, gripping my hands a tad bit tighter. Wiishu crossed her arms and shrugged, inviting us into the compound.

We were behind this small rugged shack that sold spices, the owner was busy selling his products to the customers. Wiishu signaled us to keep quiet as we turned left and into this small room that had coats tinted in black. Wiishu gave each and every one of us the coats and opened a wooden door. Light poured in like flood, flashing my eyes for a second before regaining sight again. We were now exposed, hidden under black coats that made us look like assassins. The sector was filled with foreign people, eyeing our presence as we followed Wiishu's back.

I jogged up to Mark and whispered to him whilst still keeping our heads down, "Mark, where is she taking us?"

"I don't know, probably somewhere else than this place." Mark replied as he pulled me close, "Act normal, we don't want to alarm these people."

Wiishu then stopped in front of this small building where there was this small troupe singing country music. Ken inched up right beside Marzia and waited for Wiishu to enter. She was juddering the keys while she tried to insert it into the keyhole. Hurry up Signe Hansen.

As soon as she opened the door, we all went in and kept following her up a set of stairs. I always thought to myself, why does each Sector have the same building format. The hallway we were currently in was exactly the same as the one I had back in Sector Six. Wiishu opened a door that led to a room, possibly hers.

"We're here," Marzia said, pulling off the coat over her back and chucking it onto the couch. I felt a set of hands come about my shoulders, grasping upon the thick clothing I was wearing. Mark gently took my coat off and hung it over the door knob. I turned around and situated my hands on his huge chest, giving him a short quick kiss before taking off his coat too.

Suddenly, Ken felt a sharp pain on his side, a single area affected by agony which affected him so badly. Ken dropped onto the ground, holding his hand over the surface of his wound. Wiishu scampered towards Ken and checked the lesion as Marzia took a cold towel. Mark also started over Ken, helping Wiishu pinpoint where the infection was spreading.

"What's wrong with him? We need to find something that can cure him." Mark uttered, laying his hand on Ken's leg.

"Oh no," Wiishu mumbled under her breath.

"Oh no what?" I interrupted, causing her to pull out a gun and aimed it towards Ken's head. "Woa!"

I instantly pummeled her to the side, telling Mark to get Ken away from her. Wiishu was struggling as she tried to shoot Ken, what the fuck was wrong with her?

"Get off me green hair!" She shouted, "He's fucking infected!"

My eyes widened as I let Wiishu's hand go but I snatched the gun away from her. Out of the blue, she took out another gun from the desk beside her and aimed it once again.

"Wiishu stop! If you fucking kill Ken, I swear to god I'll pull the trigger!" I yelled as she stared at Ken. Marzia was stiff as a stick, unable to speak. Mark was covering Ken on the ground.

"Move aside Mark, Ken is dead! He's already one of them!" Wiishu continued as she swayed the gun to the side. "I won't let another one roam across around here, please make this easy for me and let me shoot him."

"No! We need to find something to cure him!" Mark pouted, pulling out his gun and aiming it at Wiishu. Soon, it was a four on four match down until Marzia grabbed hers too.

"Leave Ken alone Wiishu, I won't let you do this. What if he's not infected." Marzia began, now the three gunners were pointing the barrels at Wiishu. She didn't want to lose just yet.

Wiishu started raging over all of us. Her face was the same as fire and her hands were trembling miraculously as she tried to steady her aim at Ken. We were all timorous at Wiishu's reaction. She took a few moments to breath until she said,

"Are you all idiots? Ken is now a vector of this plague in my sector! I can't let that happen!"

Wiishu was about to pull the trigger until Marzia came up behind her and knocked her out conscious with the gun. Wiishu tumbled onto the floor, her glasses cracked at the side.

Marzia watched guilt surpass over her, but she couldn't let her kill Ken without enough proof that he was a zeke. I could see petite tears form under her eyes.

"Tie her up." She said.

So thank you guys! If you liked this book, Comment anything down below and punch that star button in da face, like a boss! *share it all around*, wapsh wapsh...
And I thank you readers and I'll see all you the next chapter!

*hugs and kisses*

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